Source code for aurora.test_utils.parkfield.make_parkfield_mth5

    This module contains methods for building an MTH5 file from data at Parkfield (PKD) and Hollister
    (SAO) long term monitoring stations to use as test data.

import pathlib

from aurora.test_utils.dataset_definitions import TEST_DATA_SET_CONFIGS
from mth5.utils.helpers import read_back_data
from mth5.helpers import close_open_files
from aurora.sandbox.io_helpers.fdsn_dataset import FDSNDataset
from aurora.sandbox.io_helpers.make_mth5_helpers import create_from_server_multistation
from aurora.test_utils.parkfield.path_helpers import PARKFIELD_PATHS
from loguru import logger
from typing import Union

DATASET_ID = "pkd_sao_test_00"


[docs]def select_data_source() -> None: """ Identifies appropriate web client to use for NCEDC data requests. This was used for debugging data access issues in the past -- may no longer be needed. Returns ------- data_source: str A responsive NCEDC client. """ from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client ok = False while not ok: for data_source in DATA_SOURCES: try: Client(base_url=data_source, force_redirect=True) ok = True except: logger.warning(f"Data source {data_source} not initializing") if not ok: logger.error("No data sources for Parkfield / Hollister initializing") logger.error("NCEDC probably down") raise ValueError else: return data_source
[docs]def make_pkdsao_mth5( fdsn_dataset: FDSN_DATASET, target_folder: Union[str, pathlib.Path, None] = PARKFIELD_PATHS["data"], ) -> pathlib.Path: """ Makes MTH5 file with data from Parkfield and Hollister stations to use for testing. """ close_open_files() fdsn_dataset.data_source = select_data_source() fdsn_dataset.initialize_client() h5_path = create_from_server_multistation( fdsn_dataset, target_folder=target_folder, triage_units=["V/m to mV/km", "T to nT"], ) for station in fdsn_dataset.station.split(","): read_back_data(h5_path, station, "001") return h5_path
[docs]def ensure_h5_exists( target_folder: Union[str, pathlib.Path, None] = PARKFIELD_PATHS["data"], ) -> pathlib.Path: """ Make sure that the PKD SAO MTH5 file exists. If it does not, build it. Parameters ---------- h5_path: Union[pathlib.Path, None] Returns ------- h5_path: pathlib.Path The path to the PKD SAO mth5 file to be used for testing. """ h5_path = target_folder.joinpath(FDSN_DATASET.h5_filebase) if h5_path.exists(): msg = f"h5 file {h5_path} already exists -- skipping make" return h5_path try: h5_path = make_pkdsao_mth5(FDSN_DATASET, target_folder=target_folder) return h5_path except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Encountered {e} Exception - make_pkdsao_mth5 failed") logger.error("Check data server connection") raise IOError
[docs]def main(): """allows the make to be run by calling this module from the command line""" make_pkdsao_mth5(FDSN_DATASET)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()