Source code for aurora.pipelines.process_mth5

Process an MTH5 using the metdata config object.

Note 1: process_mth5 assumes application of cascading decimation, and that the
decimated data will be accessed from the previous decimation level.  This should be
revisited. It may make more sense to have a get_decimation_level() interface that
provides an option of applying decimation or loading predecimated data.
This will be addressed via creation of the FC layer inside mth5.

Note 2: We can encounter cases where some runs can be decimated and others can not.
We need a way to handle this. For example, a short run may not yield any data from a
later decimation level. An attempt to handle this has been made in TF Kernel by
adding a is_valid_dataset column, associated with each run-decimation level pair.

Note 3: This point in the loop marks the interface between _generation_ of the FCs and
 their _usage_. In future the code above this comment would be pushed into
 create_fourier_coefficients() and the code below this would access those FCs and
 execute compute_transfer_function()

# =============================================================================
# Imports
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import xarray as xr

from loguru import logger

from aurora.pipelines.time_series_helpers import calibrate_stft_obj
from aurora.pipelines.time_series_helpers import run_ts_to_stft
from aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_helpers import process_transfer_functions
from aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel import TransferFunctionKernel
from aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel import station_obj_from_row
from aurora.sandbox.triage_metadata import triage_run_id
from aurora.transfer_function.transfer_function_collection import (
from aurora.transfer_function.TTFZ import TTFZ

# =============================================================================

[docs]def make_stft_objects(processing_config, i_dec_level, run_obj, run_xrds, units="MT"): """ Operates on a "per-run" basis This method could be modifed in a multiple station code so that it doesn't care if the station is "local" or "remote" but rather uses scale factors keyed by station_id Parameters ---------- processing_config: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.Processing Metadata about the processing to be applied i_dec_level: int The decimation level to process run_obj: mth5.groups.master_station_run_channel.RunGroup The run to transform to stft run_xrds: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset The data time series from the run to transform units: str expects "MT". May change so that this is the only accepted set of units station_id: str To be deprecated, this information is contained in the run_obj as Returns ------- stft_obj: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset Time series of calibrated Fourier coefficients per each channel in the run """ stft_config = processing_config.get_decimation_level(i_dec_level) stft_obj = run_ts_to_stft(stft_config, run_xrds) run_id = if == scale_factors = processing_config.stations.local.run_dict[ run_id ].channel_scale_factors elif == processing_config.stations.remote[0].id: scale_factors = ( processing_config.stations.remote[0].run_dict[run_id].channel_scale_factors ) stft_obj = calibrate_stft_obj( stft_obj, run_obj, units=units, channel_scale_factors=scale_factors, ) return stft_obj
[docs]def process_tf_decimation_level( config, i_dec_level, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj, units="MT" ): """ Processing pipeline for a single decimation_level TODO: Add a check that the processing config sample rates agree with the data TODO: Add units to local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj sampling rates otherwise raise Exception This method can be single station or remote based on the process cfg Parameters ---------- config: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.decimation_level.DecimationLevel Config for a single decimation level i_dec_level: int decimation level_id ?could we pack this into the decimation level as an attr? local_stft_obj: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset The time series of Fourier coefficients from the local station remote_stft_obj: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset or None The time series of Fourier coefficients from the remote station units: str one of ["MT","SI"] Returns ------- transfer_function_obj : aurora.transfer_function.TTFZ.TTFZ The transfer function values packed into an object """ frequency_bands = config.decimations[i_dec_level].frequency_bands_obj() transfer_function_obj = TTFZ(i_dec_level, frequency_bands, processing_config=config) dec_level_config = config.decimations[i_dec_level] # segment_weights = coherence_weights(dec_level_config, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj) transfer_function_obj = process_transfer_functions( dec_level_config, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj, transfer_function_obj ) return transfer_function_obj
[docs]def enrich_row(row): pass
[docs]def triage_issue_289(local_stfts, remote_stfts): """ Timing Error Workaround See Aurora Issue #289: seems associated with getting one fewer sample than expected from the edge of a run. """ n_chunks = len(local_stfts) for i_chunk in range(n_chunks): ok = local_stfts[i_chunk].time.shape == remote_stfts[i_chunk].time.shape if not ok: logger.warning("Mismatch in FC array lengths detected -- Issue #289") glb = max( local_stfts[i_chunk].time.min(), remote_stfts[i_chunk].time.min(), ) lub = min( local_stfts[i_chunk].time.max(), remote_stfts[i_chunk].time.max(), ) cond1 = local_stfts[i_chunk].time >= glb cond2 = local_stfts[i_chunk].time <= lub local_stfts[i_chunk] = local_stfts[i_chunk].where(cond1 & cond2, drop=True) cond1 = remote_stfts[i_chunk].time >= glb cond2 = remote_stfts[i_chunk].time <= lub remote_stfts[i_chunk] = remote_stfts[i_chunk].where( cond1 & cond2, drop=True ) assert local_stfts[i_chunk].time.shape == remote_stfts[i_chunk].time.shape return local_stfts, remote_stfts
[docs]def merge_stfts(stfts, tfk): # Timing Error Workaround See Aurora Issue #289 local_stfts = stfts["local"] remote_stfts = stfts["remote"] if tfk.config.stations.remote: local_stfts, remote_stfts = triage_issue_289(local_stfts, remote_stfts) remote_merged_stft_obj = xr.concat(remote_stfts, "time") else: remote_merged_stft_obj = None local_merged_stft_obj = xr.concat(local_stfts, "time") return local_merged_stft_obj, remote_merged_stft_obj
[docs]def append_chunk_to_stfts(stfts, chunk, remote): if remote: stfts["remote"].append(chunk) else: stfts["local"].append(chunk) return stfts
# def load_spectrogram_from_station_object(station_obj, fc_group_id, fc_decimation_id): # """ # Placeholder. This could also be a method in mth5 # Returns # ------- # # """ # return station_obj.fourier_coefficients_group.get_fc_group(fc_group_id).get_decimation_level(fc_decimation_id)
[docs]def load_stft_obj_from_mth5(i_dec_level, row, run_obj, channels=None): """ Load stft_obj from mth5 (instead of compute) Note #1: See note #1 in time_series.frequency_band_helpers.extract_band Parameters ---------- i_dec_level: int The decimation level where the data are stored within the Fourier Coefficient group row: pandas.core.series.Series A row of the TFK.dataset_df run_obj: The original time-domain run associated with the data to load Returns ------- """ station_obj = station_obj_from_row(row) fc_group = station_obj.fourier_coefficients_group.get_fc_group( fc_decimation_level = fc_group.get_decimation_level(f"{i_dec_level}") stft_obj = fc_decimation_level.to_xarray(channels=channels) cond1 = stft_obj.time >= row.start.tz_localize(None) cond2 = stft_obj.time <= row.end.tz_localize(None) try: stft_chunk = stft_obj.where(cond1 & cond2, drop=True) except TypeError: # see Note #1 tmp = stft_obj.to_array() tmp = tmp.where(cond1 & cond2, drop=True) stft_chunk = tmp.to_dataset("variable") return stft_chunk
[docs]def save_fourier_coefficients(dec_level_config, row, run_obj, stft_obj): """ Note #1: Logic for building FC layers: If the processing config decimation_level.save_fcs_type = "h5" and fc_levels_already_exist is False, then open in append mode, else open in read mode. We should support a flag: force_rebuild_fcs, normally False. This flag is only needed when save_fcs_type=="h5". If True, then we open in append mode, regarless of fc_levels_already_exist The task of setting mode="a", mode="r" can be handled by tfk (maybe in tfk.validate()) Parameters ---------- dec_level_config row run_obj stft_obj Returns ------- """ if not dec_level_config.save_fcs: msg = "Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc = " msg = f"{msg} {dec_level_config.save_fcs}""{msg}") return i_dec_level = dec_level_config.decimation.level if dec_level_config.save_fcs_type == "csv": msg = "Unless debugging or testing, saving FCs to csv unexpected" logger.warning(msg) csv_name = f"{row.station_id}_dec_level_{i_dec_level}.csv" stft_df = stft_obj.to_dataframe() stft_df.to_csv(csv_name) elif dec_level_config.save_fcs_type == "h5":"Saving FC level")) station_obj = station_obj_from_row(row) if not row.mth5_obj.h5_is_write(): msg = "See Note #1: Logic for building FC layers" raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Get FC group (create if needed) if in station_obj.fourier_coefficients_group.groups_list: fc_group = station_obj.fourier_coefficients_group.get_fc_group( ) else: fc_group = station_obj.fourier_coefficients_group.add_fc_group( ) decimation_level_metadata = dec_level_config.to_fc_decimation() # Get FC Decimation Level (create if needed) dec_level_name = f"{i_dec_level}" if dec_level_name in fc_group.groups_list: fc_decimation_level = fc_group.get_decimation_level(dec_level_name) fc_decimation_level.metadata = decimation_level_metadata else: fc_decimation_level = fc_group.add_decimation_level( dec_level_name, decimation_level_metadata=decimation_level_metadata, ) fc_decimation_level.from_xarray(stft_obj, decimation_level_metadata.sample_rate) fc_decimation_level.update_metadata() fc_group.update_metadata() return
[docs]def get_spectrogams(tfk, i_dec_level, units="MT"): """ Can be make a method of TFK Parameters ---------- tfk: TransferFunctionKernel i_dec_level: integer units: "MT" or "SI", likely to be deprecated Returns ------- dict of short time fourier transforms """ stfts = {} stfts["local"] = [] stfts["remote"] = [] # Check first if TS processing or accessing FC Levels for i, row in tfk.dataset_df.iterrows(): # This iterator could be updated to iterate over row-pairs if remote is True, # corresponding to simultaneous data if not tfk.is_valid_dataset(row, i_dec_level): continue run_obj = row.mth5_obj.from_reference(row.run_reference) if row.fc: stft_obj = load_stft_obj_from_mth5(i_dec_level, row, run_obj) stfts = append_chunk_to_stfts(stfts, stft_obj, row.remote) continue run_xrds = row["run_dataarray"].to_dataset("channel") # Musgraves workaround for old MT data triage_run_id(row.run_id, run_obj) stft_obj = make_stft_objects( tfk.config, i_dec_level, run_obj, run_xrds, units, ) # Pack FCs into h5 dec_level_config = tfk.config.decimations[i_dec_level] save_fourier_coefficients(dec_level_config, row, run_obj, stft_obj) stfts = append_chunk_to_stfts(stfts, stft_obj, row.remote) return stfts
[docs]def process_mth5( config, tfk_dataset=None, units="MT", show_plot=False, z_file_path=None, return_collection=False, ): """ This is the main method used to transform a processing_config, and a kernel_dataset into a transfer function estimate. Parameters ---------- config: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.Processing or path to json All processing parameters tfk_dataset: aurora.tf_kernel.dataset.Dataset or None Specifies what datasets to process according to config units: string "MT" or "SI". To be deprecated once data have units embedded show_plot: boolean Only used for dev z_file_path: string or pathlib.Path Target path for a z_file output if desired return_collection : boolean return_collection=False will return an mt_metadata TF object return_collection=True will return aurora.transfer_function.transfer_function_collection.TransferFunctionCollection Returns ------- tf: TransferFunctionCollection or mt_metadata TF The transfer funtion object tf_cls: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.TF TF object """ # Initialize config and mth5s tfk = TransferFunctionKernel(dataset=tfk_dataset, config=config) tfk.make_processing_summary() tfk.show_processing_summary() tfk.validate() tfk.initialize_mth5s() msg = ( f"Processing config indicates {len(tfk.config.decimations)} " f"decimation levels" ) tf_dict = {} for i_dec_level, dec_level_config in enumerate(tfk.valid_decimations()): # if not tfk.all_fcs_already_exist(): tfk.update_dataset_df(i_dec_level) tfk.apply_clock_zero(dec_level_config) stfts = get_spectrogams(tfk, i_dec_level, units=units) local_merged_stft_obj, remote_merged_stft_obj = merge_stfts(stfts, tfk) # FC TF Interface here (see Note #3) # Could downweight bad FCs here ttfz_obj = process_tf_decimation_level( tfk.config, i_dec_level, local_merged_stft_obj, remote_merged_stft_obj, ) ttfz_obj.apparent_resistivity(tfk.config.channel_nomenclature, units=units) tf_dict[i_dec_level] = ttfz_obj if show_plot: from aurora.sandbox.plot_helpers import plot_tf_obj plot_tf_obj(ttfz_obj, out_filename="") tf_collection = TransferFunctionCollection( tf_dict=tf_dict, processing_config=tfk.config ) tf_cls = tfk.export_tf_collection(tf_collection) if z_file_path: tf_cls.write(z_file_path) tfk.dataset.close_mth5s() if return_collection: # this is now really only to be used for debugging and may be deprecated soon return tf_collection else: return tf_cls