Source code for aurora.time_series.apodization_window

@author: kkappler

Module to manage windowing prior to FFT.  Intended to support most
apodization  windows available via scipy.signal.get_window()

|    Supported Window types = ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann',
|      'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris',
|      'nuttall', 'barthann', 'kaiser', 'gaussian', 'general_gaussian',
|      'slepian', 'chebwin']
|    have_additional_args = {
|      'kaiser' : 'beta',
|      'gaussian' : 'std',
|      'general_gaussian' : ('power', 'width'),
|      'slepian' : 'width',
|      'chebwin' : 'attenuation',
|    }

The Taper Config has 2 possible forms:
1. Standard form for accessing scipy.signal:
["taper_family", "num_samples_window", "additional_args"]
2. User-defined : for defining custom tapers

Example 1 : Standard form
"taper_family" = "hamming"
"num_samples_window" = 128
"additional_args" = {}

Example 2 : Standard form
"taper_family" = "kaiser"
"num_samples_window" = 64
"additional_args" = {"beta":8}

Examples 3 : User Defined
2. user-defined: ["array"]
In this case num_samples_window is defined by the array.
"array" = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
If "array" is non-empty then assume the user-defined case.

It is a little bit unsatisfying that the args need to be ordered for
scipy.signal.get_window().  Probably use OrderedDict()
for any windows that have more than one additional args.

For example
"taper_family" = 'general_gaussian'
"additional_args" = OrderedDict("power":1.5, "sigma":7)


import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as ssig
from loguru import logger
from typing import Optional, Union

[docs]class ApodizationWindow(object): """ Instantiate an apodization window object. Example usages: apod_window = ApodizationWindow() taper=ApodizationWindow(taper_family='hanning', num_samples_window=55 ) Window factors S1, S2, CG, ENBW are modelled after Heinzel et al. p12-14 [1] Spectrum and spectral density estimation by the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), including a comprehensive list of window functions and some new flat-top windows. G. Heinzel, A. Roudiger and R. Schilling, Max-Planck Institut fur Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut) Teilinstitut Hannover February 15, 2002 See Also [2] Harris FJ. On the use of windows for harmonic analysis with the discrete Fourier transform. Proceedings of the IEEE. 1978 Jan;66(1):51-83. Nomenclature from Heinzel et al. ENBW: Effective Noise BandWidth, see Equation (22) NENBW Normalized Equivalent Noise BandWidth, see Equation (21) """ def __init__( self, taper_family: Optional[str] = "boxcar", num_samples_window: Optional[ int ] = 0, # TODO: this should probably init to None taper: Optional[np.ndarray] = np.empty(0), taper_additional_args: Optional[Union[dict, None]] = None, **kwargs, # needed as a passthrough argument to WindowingScheme ): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- taper_family : string Specify the taper type - boxcar, kaiser, hanning, etc num_samples_window : int The number of samples in the taper taper : numpy array The actual window coefficients themselves. This can be passed if a particular custom window is desired. additional_args: dictionary These are any additional requirements scipy needs in order to generate the window. """ self.taper_family = taper_family self._num_samples_window = num_samples_window self._taper = taper if taper_additional_args is None: taper_additional_args = {} self.additional_args = taper_additional_args self._coherent_gain = None self._nenbw = None self._S1 = None self._S2 = None self._apodization_factor = None if self.taper.size == 0: self.make() @property def summary(self) -> str: """ Returns a string summarizing the window properties TODO: This should be the __str__(), i.e. the readable version Returns ------- out_str: str String comprised of the taper_family, number_of_samples, and True/False if self.taper is not None """ self.test_linear_spectral_density_factor() string1 = f"{self.taper_family} {self.num_samples_window}" string1 += f" taper_exists = {bool(self.taper.any())}" string2 = f"NENBW = {self.nenbw:.3f}, CG = {self.coherent_gain:.3f}, " string2 += f"window factor = {self.apodization_factor:.3f}" out_str = "\n".join([string1, string2]) return out_str def __str__(self): """ returns the taper values as a string TODO: this should be __repr__ (unambiguous) """ return f"{self.taper}" @property def num_samples_window(self) -> int: """returns the window length in samples""" if self._num_samples_window == 0: self._num_samples_window = len(self.taper) return self._num_samples_window
[docs] def make(self) -> None: """ A wrapper call to scipy.signal Note: see scipy.signal.get_window for a description of what is expected in args[1:]. generated/scipy.signal.get_window.html note: this is just repackaging the args so that scipy.signal.get_window() accepts all cases. """ window_args = [v for k, v in self.additional_args.items()] window_args.insert(0, self.taper_family) window_args = tuple(window_args) self.taper = ssig.get_window(window_args, self.num_samples_window) self.apodization_factor # calculate -- 20240723: this should not be needed
@property def S1(self) -> float: """Return the sum of the window coefficients""" if getattr(self, "_S1", None) is None: self._S1 = sum(self.taper) return self._S1 @property def S2(self) -> float: """Retursn the sum of squares of the window coefficients.""" if getattr(self, "_S2", None) is None: self._S2 = sum(self.taper**2) return self._S2 @property def coherent_gain(self) -> float: """Returns the DC gain of the window normalized by window length.""" return self.S1 / self.num_samples_window @property def nenbw(self) -> float: """ Returns the Normalized Equivalent Noise BandWidth Notes: a.k.a NENBW, see Equation (21) in Heinzel et al. 2002. """ return self.num_samples_window * self.S2 / (self.S1**2)
[docs] def enbw(self, fs) -> float: """ Return the "Equivalent Noise Bandwidth of the window. Notes: Effective Noise BandWidth = fs*NENBW/N = fs S2/(S1**2) Unlike NENBW, CG, S1, S2, this is not a pure property of the window -- but instead this is a property of the window combined with the sample rate. Parameters ---------- fs : float The sampling frequency (1/dt) Returns ------- enbw: float """ return fs * self.S2 / (self.S1**2)
[docs] def test_linear_spectral_density_factor(self) -> None: """T This is just a test to verify some algebra TODO Move this into tests Claim: The lsd_calibration factors A (1./coherent\_gain)\*np.sqrt((2\*dt)/(nenbw\*N)) and B np.sqrt(2/(sample\_rate\*self.S2)) are identical. Note sqrt(2\*dt)==sqrt(2\*sample_rate) so we can cancel these terms and A=B IFF (1./coherent_gain) \* np.sqrt(1/(nenbw\*N)) == 1/np.sqrt(S2) which I show in githib aurora issue #3 via . (CG\*\*2) \* NENBW \*N = S2 """ lsd_factor1 = (1.0 / self.coherent_gain) * np.sqrt( 1.0 / (self.nenbw * self.num_samples_window) ) lsd_factor2 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(self.S2) if not np.isclose(lsd_factor1, lsd_factor2): logger.error(f"factor1 {lsd_factor1} vs factor2 {lsd_factor2}") logger.error("Incompatible spectral density factors") raise Exception
@property def taper(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the values of the taper as a numpy array""" return self._taper @taper.setter def taper(self, x: np.ndarray) -> None: """Sets the value of the taper""" self._taper = x self._S1 = None self._S2 = None @property def apodization_factor(self) -> float: """Returns the apodization factor (computes if it is None)""" if self._apodization_factor is None: self._apodization_factor = np.sqrt(self.nenbw) * self.coherent_gain return self._apodization_factor