This module contains methods associated with operating on windowed time series.
i.e. Arrays that have been chunked so that an operator can operate chunk-wise.
Development Notes:
Many of the methods in this module are not currently in use.
It looks like I once thought we should have a class to handle windowed time series, but then
decided that static methods applied to xr.Dataset would be better.
from aurora.time_series.decorators import can_use_xr_dataarray
from mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.decimation_level import (
from typing import Optional, Union
from loguru import logger
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as ssig
import xarray as xr
[docs]class WindowedTimeSeries(object):
Time series that has been chopped into (possibly) overlapping windows.
This is a place where we can put methods that operate on these sorts of
Assumes xr.Datasets keyed by "channel"
Specific methods:
TODO: Consider making these @staticmethod so import WindowedTimeSeries
and then call the static methods
def __init__(self):
def apply_taper(
data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], taper: np.ndarray
): # , in_place=True):
Point by point multiplication of taper against time series.
xarray handles this very cleanly as a direct multiply operation.
tapered_obj = windowed_obj * windowing_scheme.taper
data = data * taper
return data
[docs] @staticmethod
def detrend(
data: xr.Dataset,
detrend_axis: Optional[Union[int, None]] = None,
detrend_type: Optional[str] = "linear",
De-trends input data.
Development Notes:
It looks like this function was concerned with nan in the time series.
Since there is no general implemented solution for this in aurora/MTH5
it maybe better to just get rid of the nan-checking. The data can be
pre-screened for nans if needed.
data : xarray Dataset
detrend_axis : int
detrend_type : string
Controlled vocabulary ["linear", "constant"]
This argument is provided to scipy.signal.detrend
The input data, modified in-place with de-trending.
if detrend_axis is None:
detrend_axis = _get_time_coordinate_axis(data)
for channel in data.keys():
ensembles = data[channel].data
if np.isnan(ensembles).any():
msg = "detrending data with nan not supported"
# TODO: use nan_to_mean from time_series helpers
ensembles = ssig.detrend(
ensembles, axis=detrend_axis, type=detrend_type
except ValueError as e:
# TODO: Add doc -- this looks like it may be handling invalid detrend types
msg = (
"Could not detrend "
f"{channel} in time range "
f"{data[channel].coords.indexes['time'][0].isoformat()} to "
logger.error(f"{msg} with error {e}")
data[channel].data = ensembles
return data
def apply_fft(
data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset],
sample_rate: float,
spectral_density_correction: float,
detrend_type: Optional[str] = "linear",
) -> xr.Dataset:
Applies the Fourier transform to each window in the windowed time series.
Assumes sliding window and taper already applied.
TODO: Make this return a Specrtogram() object.
data: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
The windowed data to FFT
spectral_density_correction: float
Applies window normalization (see Heinzel et al.)
detrend_type: string
Passed through to scipy.signal during detrend operation.
Dataset same channels as input but data are now complex values Fourier coefficients.
spectral_ds = fft_xr_ds(data, sample_rate, detrend_type=detrend_type)
spectral_ds *= spectral_density_correction
return spectral_ds
def _get_time_coordinate_axis(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> int:
Returns an integer corresponding to the time axis of the underlying numpy array
It is common to pass an argument to scipy.signal methods axis=int
where that integer specifies along which dimension we are applying the
operator. This method helps ensure the correct axis is passed..
dataset : xarray.Dataset
index of time axis in dataset
coordinate_labels = list(dataset.coords.keys())
if len(coordinate_labels) != 2:
logger.warning("Warning - Expected two distinct coordinates")
# raise Exception
return coordinate_labels.index("time")
[docs]def fft_xr_ds(
dataset: xr.Dataset,
sample_rate: float,
detrend_type: Optional[str] = "linear",
# prewhitening: Optional[Union[str, None]] = None,
) -> xr.Dataset:
Apply Fourier transform to an xarray Dataset (already windowed) time series.
- The returned harmonics do not include the Nyquist frequency. To modify this
add +1 to n_fft_harmonics. Also, only 1-sided ffts are returned.
- For each channel within the Dataset, fft is applied along the
within-window-time axis of the associated numpy array
TODO: add support for prewhitening per-window
dataset : xr.Dataset
Data are 2D (windowed univariate time series).
sample_rate: float
The sample rate of the time series
detrend_type: str
Pass-through parameter to scipy.signal.detrend
prewhitening: Not used (yet)
output_ds: xr.Dataset
The FFT of the input. Only contains non-negative frequencies
i.e. input dataset had coords: (time, within-window time)
but output ds has coords (time, frequency)
# TODO: Modify this so that demeaning and detrending is happening before
# application of the tapering window. Add a second demean right before the FFT
samples_per_window = len(dataset.coords["within-window time"])
n_fft_harmonics = int(samples_per_window / 2) # no bin at Nyquist,
harmonic_frequencies = get_fft_harmonics(samples_per_window, sample_rate)
output_ds = xr.Dataset()
time_coordinate_index = list(dataset.coords.keys()).index("time")
dataset = WindowedTimeSeries.detrend(
data=dataset, detrend_axis=time_coordinate_index, detrend_type=detrend_type
for channel_id in dataset.keys():
data = dataset[channel_id].data
# Here is where you would add segment-by-segment prewhitening
fspec_array = np.fft.fft(data, axis=time_coordinate_index)
fspec_array = fspec_array[:, 0:n_fft_harmonics] # 1-sided
xrd = xr.DataArray(
dims=["time", "frequency"],
coords={"frequency": harmonic_frequencies, "time": dataset.time.data},
output_ds.update({channel_id: xrd})
return output_ds
# Not used 20240723: Commenting out.
# def delay_correction(self, dataset, run_obj):
# """
# Applies a time delay correction -- NOT TESTED - PSEUDOCODE ONLY
# Parameters
# ----------
# dataset : xr.Dataset
# run_obj :
# Returns
# -------
# """
# from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# for channel_id in dataset.keys():
# mth5_channel = run_obj.get_channel(channel_id)
# channel_filter = mth5_channel.channel_response
# delay_in_seconds = channel_filter.total_delay
# true_time_axis = dataset.time + delay_in_seconds
# interpolator = interp1d(
# true_time_axis, dataset[channel_id].data, assume_sorted=True
# )
# corrected_data = interpolator(dataset.time)
# dataset[channel_id].data = corrected_data
# return dataset
# Not used 20240723: Commenting out.
# def validate_coordinate_ordering_time_domain(dataset:xr.Dataset):
# """
# Check that the data dimensions are what you expect.
# Not Currently Used.
# Development Notes:
# Want to make sure operating along the correct axes (demean, detrend, taper, etc.)
# TODO: add this to WindowedTimeSeries as a validator.
# But in this case make sure that the axis being operated along is the right one based
# on its coordinate name ("within-window time" for most operations).
# Parameters
# ----------
# dataset : xarray.Dataset
# This is a windowed dataset, so it is expected to have coords:
# ["time", "within-window time"]
# Returns
# -------
# bool: True if valid, else False
# """
# coordinate_labels = list(dataset.coords.keys())
# cond1 = coordinate_labels[0] == "within-window time"
# cond2 = coordinate_labels[1] == "time"
# if cond1 & cond2:
# return True
# else:
# logger.error("Uncertain that xarray coordinates are correctly ordered")
# return False
# # raise ValueError