Source code for aurora.transfer_function.base

follows Gary's TTF.m in iris_mt_scratch

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from mt_metadata.base import Base
from loguru import logger

[docs]class TransferFunction(Base): """Class to contain transfer function array. Parameters ---------- TF : numpy array array of transfer functions: TF(Nout, Nin, Nperiods) T : numpy array list of periods cov_ss_inv : numpy array inverse signal power matrix. aka Cov_SS in EMTF matlab codes cov_nn : numpy array noise covariance matrix: aka Cov_NN in EMTF matlab codes num_segments : integer array? Number of samples used to estimate TF for each band, and for each \ output channel (might be different for different channels) R2 : xarray.DataArray multiple coherence for each output channel / band FullCov : boolean true if full covariance is provided Returns ------- properties (Dependent) StdErr % standard errors of TF components, same size and order as TF NBands freqs % inverse of period Nout Nin """ def __init__(self, decimation_level_id, frequency_bands, **kwargs): """ change 2021-07-23 to require a frequency_bands object. We may want to just pass the band_edges. I'm not a fan of forcing dependency of TF on the FrequencyBands class, but it will simplify writting the z_file interfaces. The old class shows an example that just accepted num_bands as an initialation variable. Parameters ---------- _emtf_header : legacy header information used by Egbert's matlab class. Header contains local site header, remote site header if appropriate, and information about estimation approach decimation_level_id: int Identifies the relevant decimation level. Used for accessing the appropriate info in self.processing config. frequency_bands: aurora.time_series.frequency_band.FrequencyBands frequency bands object """ self._emtf_tf_header = None self.decimation_level_id = decimation_level_id self.frequency_bands = frequency_bands self.num_segments = None self.cov_ss_inv = None self.cov_nn = None self.R2 = None self.initialized = False self.processing_config = kwargs.get("processing_config", None) if self.emtf_tf_header is not None: if self.num_bands is not None: self._initialize_arrays() @property def emtf_tf_header(self): if self.processing_config is None:"No header is available without a processing config") self._emtf_tf_header = None else: if self._emtf_tf_header is None: tfh = self.processing_config.emtf_tf_header(self.decimation_level_id) self._emtf_tf_header = tfh return self._emtf_tf_header @property def tf_header(self): return self.emtf_tf_header @property def tf(self): return self.transfer_function @property def num_bands(self): """_summary_ Returns ------- num_bands: int a count of the frequency bands associated with the TF """ return self.frequency_bands.number_of_bands @property def periods(self): periods = self.frequency_bands.band_centers(frequency_or_period="period") periods = np.flipud(periods) return periods def _initialize_arrays(self): """ There are four separate data strucutres, indexed by period here: TF (num_channels_out, num_channels_in) cov_ss_inv (num_channels_in, num_channels_in, num_bands), Cov_NN (num_channels_out, num_channels_out), R2 num_channels_out) We use frequency in Fourier domain and period in TF domain. Might be better to be consistent. It would be inexpensive to duplicate the axis and simply provide both. Each of these is indexed by period (or frequency) TODO: These may be better cast as xarrays. Review after curves up and running TODO: also, I prefer np.full(dim_tuple, np.nan) for init Returns ------- """ if self.tf_header is None: logger.error("header needed to allocate transfer function arrays") raise Exception # <transfer function xarray> tf_array_dims = (self.num_channels_out, self.num_channels_in, self.num_bands) tf_array = np.zeros(tf_array_dims, dtype=np.complex128) self.transfer_function = xr.DataArray( tf_array, dims=["output_channel", "input_channel", "period"], # frequency"], coords={ "period": self.periods, "output_channel": self.tf_header.output_channels, "input_channel": self.tf_header.input_channels, }, ) # num_segments xarray num_segments = np.zeros((self.num_channels_out, self.num_bands), dtype=np.int32) num_segments_xr = xr.DataArray( num_segments, dims=["channel", "period"], coords={ "period": self.periods, "channel": self.tf_header.output_channels, }, ) self.num_segments = num_segments_xr # Inverse signal covariance cov_ss_dims = (self.num_channels_in, self.num_channels_in, self.num_bands) cov_ss_inv = np.zeros(cov_ss_dims, dtype=np.complex128) self.cov_ss_inv = xr.DataArray( cov_ss_inv, dims=["input_channel_1", "input_channel_2", "period"], coords={ "input_channel_1": self.tf_header.input_channels, "input_channel_2": self.tf_header.input_channels, "period": self.periods, }, ) # Noise covariance cov_nn_dims = (self.num_channels_out, self.num_channels_out, self.num_bands) cov_nn = np.zeros(cov_nn_dims, dtype=np.complex128) self.cov_nn = xr.DataArray( cov_nn, dims=["output_channel_1", "output_channel_2", "period"], coords={ "output_channel_1": self.tf_header.output_channels, "output_channel_2": self.tf_header.output_channels, "period": self.periods, }, ) # Coefficient of determination self.R2 = xr.DataArray( np.zeros((self.num_channels_out, self.num_bands)), dims=["output_channel", "period"], coords={ "output_channel": self.tf_header.output_channels, "period": self.periods, }, ) self.initialized = True @property def minimum_period(self): return np.min(self.periods) @property def maximum_period(self): return np.max(self.periods) @property def num_channels_in(self): return len(self.tf_header.input_channels) @property def num_channels_out(self): return len(self.tf_header.output_channels)
[docs] def frequency_index(self, frequency): return self.period_index(1.0 / frequency)
# frequency_index = np.isclose(self.num_segments.frequency, frequency) # frequency_index = np.where(frequency_index)[0][0] # return frequency_index
[docs] def period_index(self, period): period_index = np.isclose(self.num_segments.period, period) period_index = np.where(period_index)[0][0] return period_index
# return self.frequency_index(1.0 / period)
[docs] def tf_to_df(self): pass
# import pandas as pd # columns = ["input_channel", "output_channel", "frequency", ] # #"decimation_level"] # df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
[docs] def set_tf(self, regression_estimator, period): """ This sets TF elements for one band, using contents of regression_estimator object. This version assumes there are estimates for Nout output channels """ index = self.period_index(period) tf = regression_estimator.b_to_xarray() output_channels = list(regression_estimator._Y.data_vars) input_channels = list(regression_estimator._X.data_vars) for out_ch in output_channels: for inp_ch in input_channels:[:, :, index].loc[out_ch, inp_ch] = tf.loc[out_ch, inp_ch] if regression_estimator.noise_covariance is not None: for out_ch_1 in output_channels: for out_ch_2 in output_channels: tmp = regression_estimator.cov_nn.loc[out_ch_1, out_ch_2] self.cov_nn[:, :, index].loc[out_ch_1, out_ch_2] = tmp if regression_estimator.inverse_signal_covariance is not None: for inp_ch_1 in input_channels: for inp_ch_2 in input_channels: tmp = regression_estimator.cov_ss_inv.loc[inp_ch_1, inp_ch_2] self.cov_ss_inv[:, :, index].loc[inp_ch_1, inp_ch_2] = tmp if regression_estimator.R2 is not None: for out_ch in output_channels: tmp = regression_estimator.R2.loc[out_ch] self.R2[:, index].loc[out_ch] = tmp[:, index] = regression_estimator.n_data return