Source code for aurora.transfer_function.regression.iter_control

follows Gary's IterControl.m in
import numpy as np

from aurora.transfer_function.regression.helper_functions import rme_beta

[docs]class IterControl(object): """ """ def __init__( self, max_number_of_iterations=10, max_number_of_redescending_iterations=2, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- max_number_of_iterations: int Set to zero for OLS, otherwise, this is how many times the RME will refine the estimate. max_number_of_redescending_iterations : int 1 or 2 is fine at most. If set to zero we ignore the redescend code block. tolerance : float minimum fractional change in any term in b. Any smaller change than this will trigger convergence epsilon : float NOT USED: REMOVE kwargs Class Variables: <Specific to Egbert's Robust Regression> r0: float Effectively infinty for OLS, this controls the point at which residuals transition from being penalized by a squared vs a linear function. The units are standard deviations of the residual distribution. Normally 1.4, 1.5 or thereabouts u0: float u0 is a parameter for the redescending portion of the robust regression. It is controlled by a double exponential formula (REFERENCE NEEDED). It makes for severe downweighting about u0. The function is continuous "math friendly" (all derivates exist etc) so you can prove theorems about it etc. </Specific to Egbert's Robust Regression> """ self.number_of_iterations = 0 self.number_of_redescending_iterations = 0 self.tolerance = 0.005 self.epsilon = 1000 self.max_number_of_iterations = max_number_of_iterations self.max_number_of_redescending_iterations = ( max_number_of_redescending_iterations ) # <regression-M estimator params> self.r0 = 1.5 self.u0 = 2.8 # </regression-M estimator params> # <Additional properties> # used sometimes to control one or another of the iterative algorithms # These were translated from the matlab code and may be moved in future self.return_covariance = True self.save_cleaned = False self.robust_diagonalize = False # </Additional properties>
[docs] def converged(self, b, b0): """ Parameters ---------- b : complex-valued numpy array the most recent regression estimate b0 : complex-valued numpy array The previous regression estimate Returns ------- converged: bool True of the regression has terminated, False otherwise Notes: The variable maximum_change finds the maximum amplitude component of the vector 1-b/b0. Looking at the formula, one might want to cast this instead as 1 - abs(b/b0), however, that will be insensitive to phase changes in b, which is complex valued. The way it is coded np.max(np.abs(1 - b / b0)) is correct as it stands. """ converged = False maximum_change = np.max(np.abs(1 - b / b0)) tolerance_cond = maximum_change <= self.tolerance iteration_cond = self.number_of_iterations >= self.max_number_of_iterations if tolerance_cond or iteration_cond: converged = True # These print statments are not very clear and # Should be reworded. # if tolerance_cond: # print( # f"Converged Due to MaxChange < Tolerance after " # f" {self.number_of_iterations} of " # f" {self.max_number_of_iterations} iterations" # ) # elif iteration_cond: # print( # f"Converged Due to maximum number_of_iterations " # f" {self.max_number_of_iterations}" # ) else: converged = False return converged
@property def continue_redescending(self): maxxed_out = ( self.number_of_redescending_iterations >= self.max_number_of_redescending_iterations ) if maxxed_out: return False else: return True @property def correction_factor(self): """ TODO: This is an RME specific property. Suggest move r0, u0 and this method into an RME-config class. See notes on usage in transfer_function.regression.helper_functions.rme_beta Returns ------- correction_factor : float correction factor used for scaling the residual error_variance """ correction_factor = 1.0 / rme_beta(self.r0) return correction_factor