Collection of modules used in processing pipeline that operate on time series
import mt_metadata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal as ssig
import xarray as xr
from loguru import logger
from aurora.time_series.windowed_time_series import WindowedTimeSeries
from aurora.time_series.windowing_scheme import window_scheme_from_decimation
[docs]def validate_sample_rate(run_ts, expected_sample_rate, tol=1e-4):
Check that the sample rate of a run_ts is the expected value, and warn if not.
run_ts: mth5.timeseries.run_ts.RunTS
Time series object with data and metadata.
expected_sample_rate: float
The sample rate the time series is expected to have. Normally taken from
the processing config
if run_ts.sample_rate != expected_sample_rate:
msg = (
f"sample rate in run time series {run_ts.sample_rate} and "
f"processing decimation_obj {expected_sample_rate} do not match"
delta = run_ts.sample_rate - expected_sample_rate
if np.abs(delta) > tol:
msg = f"Delta sample rate {delta} > {tol} tolerance"
msg += "TOL should be a percentage"
raise Exception(msg)
[docs]def apply_prewhitening(decimation_obj, run_xrds_input):
Applies pre-whitening to time series to avoid spectral leakage when FFT is applied.
If "first difference", may want to consider clipping first and last sample from
the differentiated time series.
decimation_obj : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.DecimationLevel
Information about how the decimation level is to be processed
run_xrds_input : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Time series to be pre-whitened
run_xrds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
pre-whitened time series
if not decimation_obj.prewhitening_type:
return run_xrds_input
if decimation_obj.prewhitening_type == "first difference":
run_xrds = run_xrds_input.differentiate("time")
msg = f"{decimation_obj.prewhitening_type} pre-whitening not implemented"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return run_xrds
[docs]def apply_recoloring(decimation_obj, stft_obj):
Inverts the pre-whitening operation in frequency domain.
decimation_obj : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.fourier_coefficients.decimation.Decimation
Information about how the decimation level is to be processed
stft_obj : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Time series of Fourier coefficients to be recoloured
stft_obj : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Recolored time series of Fourier coefficients
# No recoloring needed if prewhitening not appiled, or recoloring set to False
if not decimation_obj.prewhitening_type:
return stft_obj
if not decimation_obj.recoloring:
return stft_obj
if decimation_obj.prewhitening_type == "first difference":
freqs = decimation_obj.fft_frequencies
prewhitening_correction = 1.0j * 2 * np.pi * freqs # jw
stft_obj /= prewhitening_correction
# suppress nan and inf to mute later warnings
if prewhitening_correction[0] == 0.0:
cond = stft_obj.frequency != 0.0
stft_obj = stft_obj.where(cond, complex(0.0))
# elif decimation_obj.prewhitening_type == "ARMA":
# from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
# AR = 3 # add this to processing config
# MA = 4 # add this to processing config
msg = f"{decimation_obj.prewhitening_type} recoloring not yet implemented"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return stft_obj
[docs]def run_ts_to_stft_scipy(decimation_obj, run_xrds_orig):
Converts a runts object into a time series of Fourier coefficients.
This method uses scipy.signal.spectrogram.
decimation_obj : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.DecimationLevel
Information about how the decimation level is to be processed
run_xrds_orig : : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Time series to be processed
stft_obj : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Time series of Fourier coefficients
run_xrds = apply_prewhitening(decimation_obj, run_xrds_orig)
windowing_scheme = window_scheme_from_decimation(decimation_obj)
stft_obj = xr.Dataset()
for channel_id in run_xrds.data_vars:
ff, tt, specgm = ssig.spectrogram(
# drop Nyquist>
ff = ff[:-1]
specgm = specgm[:-1, :]
specgm *= np.sqrt(2)
# make time_axis
tt = tt - tt[0]
tt *= decimation_obj.sample_rate_decimation
time_axis = run_xrds.time.data[tt.astype(int)]
xrd = xr.DataArray(
dims=["time", "frequency"],
coords={"frequency": ff, "time": time_axis},
stft_obj.update({channel_id: xrd})
stft_obj = apply_recoloring(decimation_obj, stft_obj)
return stft_obj
[docs]def truncate_to_clock_zero(decimation_obj, run_xrds):
Compute the time interval between the first data sample and the clock zero
Identify the first sample in the xarray time series that corresponds to a
window start sample.
decimation_obj: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.DecimationLevel
Information about how the decimation level is to be processed
run_xrds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
normally extracted from mth5.RunTS
run_xrds : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
same as the input time series, but possibly slightly shortened
if decimation_obj.window.clock_zero_type == "ignore":
clock_zero = pd.Timestamp(decimation_obj.window.clock_zero)
clock_zero = clock_zero.to_datetime64()
delta_t = clock_zero - run_xrds.time[0]
assert delta_t.dtype == "<m8[ns]" # expected in nanoseconds
delta_t_seconds = int(delta_t) / 1e9
if delta_t_seconds == 0:
pass # time series start is already clock zero
windowing_scheme = window_scheme_from_decimation(decimation_obj)
number_of_steps = delta_t_seconds / windowing_scheme.duration_advance
n_partial_steps = number_of_steps - np.floor(number_of_steps)
n_clip = n_partial_steps * windowing_scheme.num_samples_advance
n_clip = int(np.round(n_clip))
t_clip = run_xrds.time[n_clip]
cond1 = run_xrds.time >= t_clip
msg = (
f"dropping {n_clip} samples to agree with "
f"{decimation_obj.window.clock_zero_type} clock zero {clock_zero}"
run_xrds = run_xrds.where(cond1, drop=True)
return run_xrds
[docs]def nan_to_mean(xrds: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset:
Set Nan values in xr.Dataset to the mean value per channel.
xrds: xr.Dataset
Time series data
run_xrds : xr.Dataset
The same as the input time series but NaN values are replaced by the mean of the time series (per channel).
for ch in xrds.keys():
null_values_present = xrds[ch].isnull().any()
if null_values_present:
msg = "Unexpected Null values in xrds -- this should be examined"
value = np.nan_to_num(np.nanmean(xrds[ch].data))
xrds[ch] = xrds[ch].fillna(value)
return xrds
[docs]def run_ts_to_stft(decimation_obj, run_xrds_orig):
Converts a runts object into a time series of Fourier coefficients.
Similar to run_ts_to_stft_scipy, but in this implementation operations on individual
windows are possible (for example pre-whitening per time window via ARMA filtering).
decimation_obj : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.DecimationLevel
Information about how the decimation level is to be processed
run_ts : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
normally extracted from mth5.RunTS
stft_obj: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Note that the STFT object may have inf/nan in the DC harmonic, introduced by
recoloring. This really doesn't matter since we don't use the DC harmonic for
# need to remove any nans before windowing, or else if there is a single
# nan then the whole channel becomes nan.
run_xrds = nan_to_mean(run_xrds_orig)
run_xrds = apply_prewhitening(decimation_obj, run_xrds)
run_xrds = truncate_to_clock_zero(decimation_obj, run_xrds)
windowing_scheme = window_scheme_from_decimation(decimation_obj)
windowed_obj = windowing_scheme.apply_sliding_window(
run_xrds, dt=1.0 / decimation_obj.sample_rate_decimation
if not np.prod(windowed_obj.to_array().data.shape):
raise ValueError
windowed_obj = WindowedTimeSeries.detrend(data=windowed_obj, detrend_type="linear")
tapered_obj = WindowedTimeSeries.apply_taper(
data=windowed_obj, taper=windowing_scheme.taper
stft_obj = WindowedTimeSeries.apply_fft(
stft_obj = apply_recoloring(decimation_obj, stft_obj)
return stft_obj
[docs]def calibrate_stft_obj(stft_obj, run_obj, units="MT", channel_scale_factors=None):
Calibrates frequency domain data into MT units.
Development Notes:
The calibration often raises a runtime warning due to DC term in calibration response = 0.
TODO: It would be nice to suppress this, maybe by only calibrating the non-dc terms and directly assigning np.nan to the dc component when DC-response is zero.
stft_obj : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Time series of Fourier coefficients to be calibrated
run_obj : mth5.groups.master_station_run_channel.RunGroup
Provides information about filters for calibration
units : string
usually "MT", contemplating supporting "SI"
scale_factors : dict or None
keyed by channel, supports a single scalar to apply to that channels data
Useful for debugging. Should not be used in production and should throw a
warning if it is not None
stft_obj : xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
Time series of calibrated Fourier coefficients
for channel_id in stft_obj.keys():
channel = run_obj.get_channel(channel_id)
channel_response = channel.channel_response
if not channel_response.filters_list:
msg = f"Channel {channel_id} with empty filters list detected"
if channel_id == "hy":
msg = "Channel hy has no filters, try using filters from hx"
logger.warning("Channel HY has no filters, try using filters from HX")
channel_response = run_obj.get_channel("hx").channel_response
indices_to_flip = channel_response.get_indices_of_filters_to_remove(
include_decimation=False, include_delay=False
indices_to_flip = [
i for i in indices_to_flip if channel.metadata.filter.applied[i]
filters_to_remove = [channel_response.filters_list[i] for i in indices_to_flip]
if not filters_to_remove:
logger.warning("No filters to remove")
calibration_response = channel_response.complex_response(
stft_obj.frequency.data, filters_list=filters_to_remove
if channel_scale_factors:
channel_scale_factor = channel_scale_factors[channel_id]
except KeyError:
channel_scale_factor = 1.0
calibration_response /= channel_scale_factor
if units == "SI":
logger.warning("Warning: SI Units are not robustly supported issue #36")
# TODO: This often raises a runtime warning due to DC term in calibration response=0
stft_obj[channel_id].data /= calibration_response
return stft_obj
[docs]def prototype_decimate(
config: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.decimation.Decimation,
run_xrds: xr.Dataset,
) -> xr.Dataset:
Basically a wrapper for scipy.signal.decimate. Takes input timeseries (as xarray
Dataset) and a Decimation config object and returns a decimated version of the
input time series.
TODO: Consider moving this function into time_series/decimate.py
TODO: Consider Replacing the downsampled_time_axis with rolling mean, or somthing that takes the average value of the time, not the window start
TODO: Compare outputs with scipy resample_poly, which also has an FIR AAF and appears faster
TODO: Add handling for case that could occur when sliced time axis has a different length than the decimated data -- see mth5 issue #217 https://github.com/kujaku11/mth5/issues/217
config : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.Decimation
run_xrds: xr.Dataset
Originally from mth5.timeseries.run_ts.RunTS.dataset, but possibly decimated
multiple times
xr_ds: xr.Dataset
Decimated version of the input run_xrds
# downsample the time axis
slicer = slice(None, None, int(config.factor)) # decimation.factor
downsampled_time_axis = run_xrds.time.data[slicer]
# decimate the time series
num_observations = len(downsampled_time_axis)
channel_labels = list(run_xrds.data_vars.keys()) # run_ts.channels
num_channels = len(channel_labels)
new_data = np.full((num_observations, num_channels), np.nan)
for i_ch, ch_label in enumerate(channel_labels):
new_data[:, i_ch] = ssig.decimate(run_xrds[ch_label], int(config.factor))
xr_da = xr.DataArray(
dims=["time", "channel"],
coords={"time": downsampled_time_axis, "channel": channel_labels},
attr_dict = run_xrds.attrs
attr_dict["sample_rate"] = config.sample_rate
xr_da.attrs = attr_dict
xr_ds = xr_da.to_dataset("channel")
return xr_ds
# Here are some other ways to downsample/decimate that were experimented with.
# TODO: Jupyter notebook tutorial showing how these differ (cf standard method).
# def prototype_decimate_2(config, run_xrds):
# """
# Uses the built-in xarray coarsen method. Not clear what AAF effects are.
# Method is fast. Might be non-linear. Seems to give similar performance to
# prototype_decimate for synthetic data.
# N.B. config.factor must be integer valued
# Parameters
# ----------
# config : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.Decimation
# run_xrds: xr.Dataset
# Originally from mth5.timeseries.run_ts.RunTS.dataset, but possibly decimated
# multiple times
# Returns
# -------
# xr_ds: xr.Dataset
# Decimated version of the input run_xrds
# """
# new_xr_ds = run_xrds.coarsen(time=int(config.factor), boundary="trim").mean()
# attr_dict = run_xrds.attrs
# attr_dict["sample_rate"] = config.sample_rate
# new_xr_ds.attrs = attr_dict
# return new_xr_ds
# def prototype_decimate_3(config, run_xrds):
# """
# Uses scipy's resample method. Not clear what AAF effects are.
# Method is fast.
# Parameters
# ----------
# config : mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.Decimation
# run_xrds: xr.Dataset
# Originally from mth5.timeseries.run_ts.RunTS.dataset, but possibly decimated
# multiple times
# Returns
# -------
# xr_ds: xr.Dataset
# Decimated version of the input run_xrds
# """
# dt = run_xrds.time.diff(dim="time").median().values
# dt_new = config.factor * dt
# dt_new = dt_new.__str__().replace("nanoseconds", "ns")
# new_xr_ds = run_xrds.resample(time=dt_new).mean(dim="time")
# attr_dict = run_xrds.attrs
# attr_dict["sample_rate"] = config.sample_rate
# new_xr_ds.attrs = attr_dict
# return new_xr_ds