Process CAS04 with Remote Reference

This notebook is a companion to the 2024 JOSS manuscript.

This notebook is shows the workflow for getting data from Earthscope for a few example stations and generating transfer functions using aurora. The data download step is based on condensed version of a tutorial in the mth5 documentation which can be found at:

# %matplotlib notebook
# %matplotlib widget


import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import os
#from aurora.sandbox.mth5_channel_summary_helpers import channel_summary_to_make_mth5
#from aurora.config import BANDS_DEFAULT_FILE
from aurora.config.config_creator import ConfigCreator
from aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 import process_mth5
from mth5.mth5 import MTH5
from mth5.clients.make_mth5 import FDSN
from mth5.utils.helpers import initialize_mth5
from mtpy.processing import RunSummary, KernelDataset

/home/kkappler/software/irismt/mtpy-v2/mtpy/modeling/simpeg/recipes/ UserWarning: Pardiso not installed see
import logging, sys
import warnings

Make MTH5 from IRIS Data Managment Center v0.2.0

This example demonstrates how to build an MTH5 from data archived at IRIS, it could work with any MT data stored at an FDSN data center (probably).

We will use the mth5.clients.FDSN class to build the file. There is also second way using the more generic mth5.clients.MakeMTH5 class, which will be highlighted below.

Note: this example assumes that data availability (Network, Station, Channel, Start, End) are all previously known. If you do not know the data that you want to download use IRIS tools to get data availability.

Initialize a MakeMTH5 object

Here, we are setting the MTH5 file version to 0.2.0 so that we can have multiple surveys in a single file. Also, setting the client to “IRIS”. Here, we are using obspy.clients tools for the request. Here are the available FDSN clients.

Note: Only the “IRIS” client has been tested.

fdsn_object = FDSN(mth5_version='0.2.0')
fdsn_object.client = "IRIS"

Make the data inquiry as a DataFrame

There are a few ways to make the inquiry to request data.

  1. Make a DataFrame by hand. Here we will make a list of entries and then create a DataFrame with the proper column names

  2. You can create a CSV file with a row for each entry. There are some formatting that you need to be aware of. That is the column names and making sure that date-times are YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

Column Name



FDSN Network code (2 letters)


FDSN Station code (usually 5 characters)


FDSN Location code (typically not used for MT)


FDSN Channel code (3 characters)


Start time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) UTC


End time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) UTC

In the example below, the stage is set to use two stations: CAS04 and NVR08. Commented out is an example of how to add a third station, REV06

channels = ["LFE", "LFN", "LFZ", "LQE", "LQN"]
CAS04 = ["8P", "CAS04",  '2020-06-02T19:00:00', '2020-07-13T19:00:00']
NVR08 = ["8P", "NVR08", '2020-06-02T19:00:00', '2020-07-13T19:00:00']
# REV06 = ["8P", "REV06", '2020-06-02T19:00:00', '2020-07-13T19:00:00']

stations = [CAS04, NVR08,]
# stations.append(REV06)

request_list = []
for entry in stations:
    for channel in channels:
            [entry[0], entry[1], "", channel, entry[2], entry[3]]

# Turn list into dataframe
request_df =  pd.DataFrame(request_list, columns=fdsn_object.request_columns)
network station location channel start end
0 8P CAS04 LFE 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
1 8P CAS04 LFN 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
2 8P CAS04 LFZ 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
3 8P CAS04 LQE 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
4 8P CAS04 LQN 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
5 8P NVR08 LFE 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
6 8P NVR08 LFN 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
7 8P NVR08 LFZ 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
8 8P NVR08 LQE 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00
9 8P NVR08 LQN 2020-06-02T19:00:00 2020-07-13T19:00:00

mth5_filename = fdsn_object.make_mth5_from_fdsn_client(request_df, interact=False)

print(f"Created {mth5_filename}")
24:09:03T20:08:45 | INFO | line:679 |mth5.mth5 | _initialize_file | Initialized MTH5 0.2.0 file /home/kkappler/software/irismt/aurora/docs/tutorials/8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 in mode w
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_92.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_92.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_92.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_92.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_92.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_94.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_si_units to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:03 | INFO | line:133 |mt_metadata.timeseries.filters.obspy_stages | create_filter_from_stage | Converting PoleZerosResponseStage electric_dipole_94.000 to a CoefficientFilter.
24:09:03T20:09:05 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup a already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:05 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-02T19:00:00+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-02T18:41:43+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-02T19:00:00+00:00
24:09:03T20:09:06 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:06 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:06 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:06 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:06 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:06 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup b already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:07 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:07 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:08 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:08 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:08 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:08 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup c already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:09 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:09 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:10 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:10 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:10 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:10 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup d already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:11 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-07-13T19:00:00+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-07-13T21:46:12+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-07-13T19:00:00+00:00
24:09:03T20:09:11 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group d. Setting to to d
24:09:03T20:09:11 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group d. Setting to to d
24:09:03T20:09:11 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group d. Setting to to d
24:09:03T20:09:12 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group d. Setting to to d
24:09:03T20:09:12 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group d. Setting to to d
24:09:03T20:09:12 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup a already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:12 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:12 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:13 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:13 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:13 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group a. Setting to to a
24:09:03T20:09:13 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup b already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:14 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:14 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:14 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:14 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:15 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group b. Setting to to b
24:09:03T20:09:15 | INFO | line:331 |mth5.groups.base | _add_group | RunGroup c already exists, returning existing group.
24:09:03T20:09:15 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:16 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:16 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:16 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:16 | WARNING | line:677 | | from_runts | Channel sr1_001 !=  group c. Setting to to c
24:09:03T20:09:16 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing /home/kkappler/software/irismt/aurora/docs/tutorials/8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
24:09:03T20:09:16 | WARNING | line:330 |mth5.mth5 | filename | MTH5 file is not open or has not been created yet. Returning default name
Created /home/kkappler/software/irismt/aurora/docs/tutorials/8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
CPU times: user 14.5 s, sys: 349 ms, total: 14.8 s
Wall time: 31.9 s
mth5_path = pathlib.Path("8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5")
m = initialize_mth5(mth5_path)
df = m.channel_summary.to_dataframe()
survey station run latitude longitude elevation component start end n_samples sample_rate measurement_type azimuth tilt units has_data hdf5_reference run_hdf5_reference station_hdf5_reference
0 CONUS South CAS04 a 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ex 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 11267 1.0 electric 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
1 CONUS South CAS04 a 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ey 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 11267 1.0 electric 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
2 CONUS South CAS04 a 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hx 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 11267 1.0 magnetic 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
3 CONUS South CAS04 a 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hy 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 11267 1.0 magnetic 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
4 CONUS South CAS04 a 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hz 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 11267 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
5 CONUS South CAS04 b 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ex 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 847649 1.0 electric 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
6 CONUS South CAS04 b 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ey 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 847649 1.0 electric 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
7 CONUS South CAS04 b 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hx 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 847649 1.0 magnetic 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
8 CONUS South CAS04 b 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hy 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 847649 1.0 magnetic 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
9 CONUS South CAS04 b 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hz 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 847649 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
10 CONUS South CAS04 c 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ex 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 1638043 1.0 electric 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
11 CONUS South CAS04 c 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ey 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 1638043 1.0 electric 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
12 CONUS South CAS04 c 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hx 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 1638043 1.0 magnetic 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
13 CONUS South CAS04 c 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hy 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 1638043 1.0 magnetic 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
14 CONUS South CAS04 c 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hz 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 1638043 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
15 CONUS South CAS04 d 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ex 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 1034586 1.0 electric 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
16 CONUS South CAS04 d 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 ey 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 1034586 1.0 electric 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
17 CONUS South CAS04 d 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hx 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 1034586 1.0 magnetic 13.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
18 CONUS South CAS04 d 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hy 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 1034586 1.0 magnetic 103.2 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
19 CONUS South CAS04 d 37.633351 -121.468382 335.261765 hz 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 1034586 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
20 CONUS South NVR08 a 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 ex 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2861 1.0 electric 12.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
21 CONUS South NVR08 a 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 ey 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2861 1.0 electric 102.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
22 CONUS South NVR08 a 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hx 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2861 1.0 magnetic 12.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
23 CONUS South NVR08 a 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hy 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2861 1.0 magnetic 102.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
24 CONUS South NVR08 a 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hz 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2861 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
25 CONUS South NVR08 b 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 ex 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 938510 1.0 electric 12.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
26 CONUS South NVR08 b 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 ey 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 938510 1.0 electric 102.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
27 CONUS South NVR08 b 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hx 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 938510 1.0 magnetic 12.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
28 CONUS South NVR08 b 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hy 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 938510 1.0 magnetic 102.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
29 CONUS South NVR08 b 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hz 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 938510 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
30 CONUS South NVR08 c 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 ex 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856503 1.0 electric 12.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
31 CONUS South NVR08 c 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 ey 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856503 1.0 electric 102.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
32 CONUS South NVR08 c 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hx 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856503 1.0 magnetic 12.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
33 CONUS South NVR08 c 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hy 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856503 1.0 magnetic 102.6 0.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
34 CONUS South NVR08 c 38.326630 -118.082382 1377.902271 hz 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856503 1.0 magnetic 0.0 90.0 digital counts True <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>

Fix Survey Name

  • The survey name is extracted from the metadata provided by Earthscope

  • The value of the survey name was changed from “CONUS South” to “CONUS SoCal”, and the notebook was updated to reflect this, however, as of June 30, 2024, the name seems to have changed back to “CONUS South”.

  • To avoid problems wiht these change of nomencalature we extract the survey name as a variable

survey_id = df["survey"].unique()[0]
'CONUS South'
array(['CAS04', 'NVR08'], dtype=object)
mth5_run_summary = RunSummary()
run_summary = mth5_run_summary.clone()
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
channel_scale_factors duration end has_data input_channels mth5_path n_samples output_channels run sample_rate start station survey run_hdf5_reference station_hdf5_reference
0 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 11266.0 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 11267 [ex, ey, hz] a 1.0 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
1 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 847648.0 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 847649 [ex, ey, hz] b 1.0 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
2 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 1638042.0 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 1638043 [ex, ey, hz] c 1.0 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
3 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 1034585.0 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 1034586 [ex, ey, hz] d 1.0 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
4 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 2860.0 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 2861 [ex, ey, hz] a 1.0 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 NVR08 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
5 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 938509.0 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 938510 [ex, ey, hz] b 1.0 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 NVR08 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
6 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 856502.0 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 856503 [ex, ey, hz] c 1.0 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 NVR08 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
coverage_short_list_columns = ["survey", 'station', 'run', 'start', 'end', ]
survey station run start end
0 CONUS South CAS04 a 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00
1 CONUS South CAS04 b 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00
2 CONUS South CAS04 c 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00
3 CONUS South CAS04 d 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00
4 CONUS South NVR08 a 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00
5 CONUS South NVR08 b 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00
6 CONUS South NVR08 c 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00
kernel_dataset = KernelDataset()
station_id = "CAS04"
remote_reference_id = "NVR08"
kernel_dataset.from_run_summary(run_summary, station_id, remote_reference_id)
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column fc, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column remote, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column run_dataarray, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column stft, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column mth5_obj, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
survey station run start end duration
0 CONUS South CAS04 b 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2860.0
1 CONUS South NVR08 a 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 2860.0
2 CONUS South CAS04 b 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 769090.0
3 CONUS South NVR08 b 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 769090.0
4 CONUS South CAS04 c 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 167025.0
5 CONUS South NVR08 b 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 167025.0
6 CONUS South CAS04 c 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856502.0
7 CONUS South NVR08 c 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 856502.0
kernel_dataset = KernelDataset()
kernel_dataset.from_run_summary(run_summary, station_id, remote_reference_id)
cutoff_duration_in_seconds = 180000
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column fc, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column remote, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column run_dataarray, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column stft, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column mth5_obj, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
survey station run start end
0 CONUS South CAS04 b 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00
1 CONUS South NVR08 b 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00
2 CONUS South CAS04 c 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00
3 CONUS South NVR08 c 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00
cc = ConfigCreator()
config = cc.create_from_kernel_dataset(kernel_dataset,)
#                                       emtf_band_file=BANDS_DEFAULT_FILE,)
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:108 |aurora.config.config_creator | determine_band_specification_style | Bands not defined; setting to EMTF BANDS_DEFAULT_FILE
    "processing": {
        "band_setup_file": "/home/kkappler/software/irismt/aurora/aurora/config/emtf_band_setup/bs_test.cfg",
        "band_specification_style": "EMTF",
        "channel_nomenclature.ex": "ex",
        "channel_nomenclature.ey": "ey",
        "channel_nomenclature.hx": "hx",
        "channel_nomenclature.hy": "hy",
        "channel_nomenclature.hz": "hz",
        "decimations": [
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.23828125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.19140625,
                                "index_max": 30,
                                "index_min": 25
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.19140625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.15234375,
                                "index_max": 24,
                                "index_min": 20
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.15234375,
                                "frequency_min": 0.12109375,
                                "index_max": 19,
                                "index_min": 16
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.12109375,
                                "frequency_min": 0.09765625,
                                "index_max": 15,
                                "index_min": 13
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.09765625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.07421875,
                                "index_max": 12,
                                "index_min": 10
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.07421875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.05859375,
                                "index_max": 9,
                                "index_min": 8
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.05859375,
                                "frequency_min": 0.04296875,
                                "index_max": 7,
                                "index_min": 6
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.04296875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.03515625,
                                "index_max": 5,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 1.0,
                    "decimation.level": 0,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": false,
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "boxcar"
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0341796875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0263671875,
                                "index_max": 17,
                                "index_min": 14
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0263671875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0205078125,
                                "index_max": 13,
                                "index_min": 11
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0205078125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0166015625,
                                "index_max": 10,
                                "index_min": 9
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0166015625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0126953125,
                                "index_max": 8,
                                "index_min": 7
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0126953125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0107421875,
                                "index_max": 6,
                                "index_min": 6
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0107421875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0087890625,
                                "index_max": 5,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 4.0,
                    "decimation.level": 1,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 0.25,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": false,
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "boxcar"
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.008544921875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.006591796875,
                                "index_max": 17,
                                "index_min": 14
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.006591796875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.005126953125,
                                "index_max": 13,
                                "index_min": 11
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.005126953125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.004150390625,
                                "index_max": 10,
                                "index_min": 9
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.004150390625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.003173828125,
                                "index_max": 8,
                                "index_min": 7
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.003173828125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.002685546875,
                                "index_max": 6,
                                "index_min": 6
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.002685546875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.002197265625,
                                "index_max": 5,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 4.0,
                    "decimation.level": 2,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 0.0625,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": false,
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "boxcar"
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00274658203125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00213623046875,
                                "index_max": 22,
                                "index_min": 18
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00213623046875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00164794921875,
                                "index_max": 17,
                                "index_min": 14
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00164794921875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00115966796875,
                                "index_max": 13,
                                "index_min": 10
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00115966796875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00079345703125,
                                "index_max": 9,
                                "index_min": 7
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00079345703125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00054931640625,
                                "index_max": 6,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 4.0,
                    "decimation.level": 3,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 0.015625,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": false,
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "boxcar"
        "id": "CAS04-rr_NVR08_sr1",
        "": "CAS04",
        "stations.local.mth5_path": "8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5",
        "stations.local.remote": false,
        "stations.local.runs": [
                "run": {
                    "id": "b",
                    "input_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hx",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hy",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "output_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ex",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ey",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hz",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "time_periods": [
                            "time_period": {
                                "end": "2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00",
                                "start": "2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00"
                "run": {
                    "id": "c",
                    "input_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hx",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hy",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "output_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ex",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ey",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hz",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "time_periods": [
                            "time_period": {
                                "end": "2020-06-24T15:55:46+00:00",
                                "start": "2020-06-14T18:00:44+00:00"
        "stations.remote": [
                "station": {
                    "id": "NVR08",
                    "mth5_path": "8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5",
                    "remote": true,
                    "runs": [
                            "run": {
                                "id": "b",
                                "input_channels": [
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "hx",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "hy",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                "output_channels": [
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "ex",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "ey",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "hz",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                "sample_rate": 1.0,
                                "time_periods": [
                                        "time_period": {
                                            "end": "2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00",
                                            "start": "2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00"
                            "run": {
                                "id": "c",
                                "input_channels": [
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "hx",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "hy",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                "output_channels": [
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "ex",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "ey",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                        "channel": {
                                            "id": "hz",
                                            "scale_factor": 1.0
                                "sample_rate": 1.0,
                                "time_periods": [
                                        "time_period": {
                                            "end": "2020-06-24T15:55:46+00:00",
                                            "start": "2020-06-14T18:00:44+00:00"
for dec_level in config.decimations:
    dec_level.window.type = "hamming"
tf_file_base = f"{station_id}_RR{remote_reference_id}"
show_plot = True
z_file_path = pathlib.Path(f"{tf_file_base}.zrr")
tf_cls = process_mth5(config,
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:277 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | show_processing_summary | Processing Summary Dataframe:
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:278 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | show_processing_summary |
    duration  has_data  n_samples run station       survey       run_hdf5_reference   station_hdf5_reference     fc  remote  stft mth5_obj dec_level  dec_factor  sample_rate  window_duration  num_samples_window  num_samples  num_stft_windows
0   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     769090.0            8011.0
1   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     192272.0            2002.0
2   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      48068.0             500.0
3   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      12017.0             124.0
4   856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     856502.0            8921.0
5   856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     214125.0            2230.0
6   856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      53531.0             557.0
7   856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      13382.0             139.0
8   769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     769090.0            8011.0
9   769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     192272.0            2002.0
10  769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      48068.0             500.0
11  769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      12017.0             124.0
12  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     856502.0            8921.0
13  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     214125.0            2230.0
14  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      53531.0             557.0
15  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      13382.0             139.0
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:654 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Total memory: 62.74 GB
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:658 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Total Bytes of Raw Data: 0.024 GB
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:661 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Raw Data will use: 0.039 % of memory
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:517 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | process_mth5_legacy | Processing config indicates 4 decimation levels
24:09:03T20:09:17 | INFO | line:445 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | valid_decimations | After validation there are 4 valid decimation levels
24:09:03T20:09:18 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-02T22:24:55+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00
24:09:03T20:09:19 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-06-14T16:56:02+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00
24:09:03T20:09:20 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-14T18:00:44+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-12T18:32:17+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-14T18:00:44+00:00
24:09:03T20:09:20 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-06-24T15:55:46+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-07-01T17:32:59+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-24T15:55:46+00:00
24:09:03T20:09:22 | INFO | line:889 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | initialize_dataframe_for_processing | Dataset dataframe initialized successfully
24:09:03T20:09:22 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 0 Successfully
24:09:03T20:09:23 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:24 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:26 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:27 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:27 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 25.728968s  (0.038867Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:27 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 19.929573s  (0.050177Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:27 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 15.164131s  (0.065945Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:28 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 11.746086s  (0.085135Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:28 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 9.195791s  (0.108745Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:29 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 7.362526s  (0.135823Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:29 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 5.856115s  (0.170762Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:29 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 4.682492s  (0.213562Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:31 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 1
24:09:03T20:09:31 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 1 Successfully
24:09:03T20:09:32 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:32 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:33 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:33 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:33 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 102.915872s  (0.009717Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:33 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 85.631182s  (0.011678Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:34 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 68.881694s  (0.014518Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:34 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 54.195827s  (0.018452Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:34 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 43.003958s  (0.023254Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:34 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 33.310722s  (0.030020Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:35 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 2
24:09:03T20:09:35 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 2 Successfully
24:09:03T20:09:35 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:36 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:36 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 411.663489s  (0.002429Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 342.524727s  (0.002919Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 275.526776s  (0.003629Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 216.783308s  (0.004613Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 172.015831s  (0.005813Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:37 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 133.242890s  (0.007505Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:38 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 3
24:09:03T20:09:38 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 3 Successfully
24:09:03T20:09:38 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:38 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 1514.701336s  (0.000660Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 1042.488956s  (0.000959Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 723.371271s  (0.001382Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 532.971560s  (0.001876Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:39 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 412.837995s  (0.002422Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:40 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
24:09:03T20:09:40 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
tf_cls.write(fn=f"{tf_file_base}.xml", file_type="emtfxml")
tf_cls.write(fn=f"{tf_file_base}.edi", file_type="edi")
tf_cls.write(fn=f"{tf_file_base}.zrr", file_type="zrr")
MT( station='CAS04', latitude=37.63, longitude=-121.47, elevation=335.26 )
archived_z_file = pathlib.Path(f"CAS04bcd_REV06.zrr")
from aurora.transfer_function.plot.comparison_plots import compare_two_z_files
z_file_path = "CAS04_RRNVR08.zrr"

To compare with the archived file, we need to set the coordinate system to geographic

The TF will be output with a header like this:

Aurora Robust Remote Reference
station: CAS04
coordinate    37.633  -121.468 declination    13.17
number of channels    5  number of frequencies  25
 orientations and tilts of each channel
    1    13.20     0.00 CAS04  Hx
    2   103.20     0.00 CAS04  Hy
    3     0.00    90.00 CAS04  Hz
    4    13.20     0.00 CAS04  Ex
    5   103.20     0.00 CAS04  Ey

To remove the rotation, we can use a variety of tools, but another way is just to overwrite the orientations:

 Aurora Robust Remote Reference
station: CAS04
coordinate    37.633  -121.468 declination    13.17
number of channels    5  number of frequencies  25
 orientations and tilts of each channel
    1     0.00     0.00 CAS04  Hx
    2    90.00     0.00 CAS04  Hy
    3     0.00    90.00 CAS04  Hz
    4     0.00     0.00 CAS04  Ex
    5    90.00     0.00 CAS04  Ey

This is why we set angle1=13.2 degrees in the comparison plotter.

    rho_ylims=[1e0, 1e3],
    xlims=[0.99, 2000],
24:09:03T20:09:41 | INFO | line:86 |aurora.transfer_function.plot.comparison_plots | compare_two_z_files | Sacling TF scale_factor1: 1
[ ]:

Part II: Logic to save FCs

Storage of FCs was intended to be an option to provide to users on the fly, by setting the decimation_level part of the processing config to dec_level.save_fcs = True and dec_level.save_fcs_type = "h5".

This works in some cases but not in general. Details are in aurora issue #319

The proposed solution is to generate FCs per station by processing as a single station.

We start with the Run Summary table:

mth5_run_summary = RunSummary()
run_summary = mth5_run_summary.clone()
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
channel_scale_factors duration end has_data input_channels mth5_path n_samples output_channels run sample_rate start station survey run_hdf5_reference station_hdf5_reference
0 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 11266.0 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 11267 [ex, ey, hz] a 1.0 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
1 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 847648.0 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 847649 [ex, ey, hz] b 1.0 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
2 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 1638042.0 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 1638043 [ex, ey, hz] c 1.0 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
3 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 1034585.0 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 1034586 [ex, ey, hz] d 1.0 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 CAS04 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
4 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 2860.0 2020-06-03 19:57:51+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 2861 [ex, ey, hz] a 1.0 2020-06-03 19:10:11+00:00 NVR08 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
5 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 938509.0 2020-06-14 16:56:02+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 938510 [ex, ey, hz] b 1.0 2020-06-03 20:14:13+00:00 NVR08 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
6 {'ex': 1.0, 'ey': 1.0, 'hx': 1.0, 'hy': 1.0, '... 856502.0 2020-06-24 15:55:46+00:00 True [hx, hy] 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5 856503 [ex, ey, hz] c 1.0 2020-06-14 18:00:44+00:00 NVR08 CONUS South <HDF5 object reference> <HDF5 object reference>
kernel_dataset = KernelDataset()
station_id = "CAS04"
remote_reference_id = None
kernel_dataset.from_run_summary(run_summary, station_id, remote_reference_id)
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column fc, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column remote, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column run_dataarray, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column stft, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column mth5_obj, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
survey station run start end duration
0 CONUS South CAS04 a 2020-06-02 19:00:00+00:00 2020-06-02 22:07:46+00:00 11266.0
1 CONUS South CAS04 b 2020-06-02 22:24:55+00:00 2020-06-12 17:52:23+00:00 847648.0
2 CONUS South CAS04 c 2020-06-12 18:32:17+00:00 2020-07-01 17:32:59+00:00 1638042.0
3 CONUS South CAS04 d 2020-07-01 19:36:55+00:00 2020-07-13 19:00:00+00:00 1034585.0

Before adding the FCs, take a look at the file stats:

file_info = os.stat(mth5_path)
print(f"file_info: \n {file_info}")

file_size_before_fc_addition = file_info.st_size
print(f"file_size_before_fc_addition {file_size_before_fc_addition}")
 os.stat_result(st_mode=33204, st_ino=89922093, st_dev=66306, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1001, st_gid=1001, st_size=107289751, st_atime=1725419382, st_mtime=1725419382, st_ctime=1725419382)
file_size_before_fc_addition 107289751
cc = ConfigCreator()
config = cc.create_from_kernel_dataset(kernel_dataset,)
for dec_level in config.decimations:
    dec_level.window.type = "hamming"
#    dec_level.window.overlap = int(dec_level.window.num_samples/4)
    dec_level.save_fcs = True
    dec_level.save_fcs_type = "h5"
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:108 |aurora.config.config_creator | determine_band_specification_style | Bands not defined; setting to EMTF BANDS_DEFAULT_FILE
    "processing": {
        "band_setup_file": "/home/kkappler/software/irismt/aurora/aurora/config/emtf_band_setup/bs_test.cfg",
        "band_specification_style": "EMTF",
        "channel_nomenclature.ex": "ex",
        "channel_nomenclature.ey": "ey",
        "channel_nomenclature.hx": "hx",
        "channel_nomenclature.hy": "hy",
        "channel_nomenclature.hz": "hz",
        "decimations": [
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.23828125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.19140625,
                                "index_max": 30,
                                "index_min": 25
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.19140625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.15234375,
                                "index_max": 24,
                                "index_min": 20
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.15234375,
                                "frequency_min": 0.12109375,
                                "index_max": 19,
                                "index_min": 16
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.12109375,
                                "frequency_min": 0.09765625,
                                "index_max": 15,
                                "index_min": 13
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.09765625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.07421875,
                                "index_max": 12,
                                "index_min": 10
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.07421875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.05859375,
                                "index_max": 9,
                                "index_min": 8
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.05859375,
                                "frequency_min": 0.04296875,
                                "index_max": 7,
                                "index_min": 6
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 0,
                                "frequency_max": 0.04296875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.03515625,
                                "index_max": 5,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 1.0,
                    "decimation.level": 0,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": true,
                    "save_fcs_type": "h5",
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "hamming"
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0341796875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0263671875,
                                "index_max": 17,
                                "index_min": 14
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0263671875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0205078125,
                                "index_max": 13,
                                "index_min": 11
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0205078125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0166015625,
                                "index_max": 10,
                                "index_min": 9
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0166015625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0126953125,
                                "index_max": 8,
                                "index_min": 7
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0126953125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0107421875,
                                "index_max": 6,
                                "index_min": 6
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 1,
                                "frequency_max": 0.0107421875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.0087890625,
                                "index_max": 5,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 4.0,
                    "decimation.level": 1,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 0.25,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": true,
                    "save_fcs_type": "h5",
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "hamming"
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.008544921875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.006591796875,
                                "index_max": 17,
                                "index_min": 14
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.006591796875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.005126953125,
                                "index_max": 13,
                                "index_min": 11
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.005126953125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.004150390625,
                                "index_max": 10,
                                "index_min": 9
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.004150390625,
                                "frequency_min": 0.003173828125,
                                "index_max": 8,
                                "index_min": 7
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.003173828125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.002685546875,
                                "index_max": 6,
                                "index_min": 6
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 2,
                                "frequency_max": 0.002685546875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.002197265625,
                                "index_max": 5,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 4.0,
                    "decimation.level": 2,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 0.0625,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": true,
                    "save_fcs_type": "h5",
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "hamming"
                "decimation_level": {
                    "anti_alias_filter": "default",
                    "bands": [
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00274658203125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00213623046875,
                                "index_max": 22,
                                "index_min": 18
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00213623046875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00164794921875,
                                "index_max": 17,
                                "index_min": 14
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00164794921875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00115966796875,
                                "index_max": 13,
                                "index_min": 10
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00115966796875,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00079345703125,
                                "index_max": 9,
                                "index_min": 7
                            "band": {
                                "center_averaging_type": "geometric",
                                "closed": "left",
                                "decimation_level": 3,
                                "frequency_max": 0.00079345703125,
                                "frequency_min": 0.00054931640625,
                                "index_max": 6,
                                "index_min": 5
                    "decimation.factor": 4.0,
                    "decimation.level": 3,
                    "decimation.method": "default",
                    "decimation.sample_rate": 0.015625,
                    "estimator.engine": "RME_RR",
                    "estimator.estimate_per_channel": true,
                    "extra_pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "input_channels": [
                    "method": "fft",
                    "min_num_stft_windows": 2,
                    "output_channels": [
                    "pre_fft_detrend_type": "linear",
                    "prewhitening_type": "first difference",
                    "recoloring": true,
                    "reference_channels": [
                    "regression.max_iterations": 10,
                    "regression.max_redescending_iterations": 2,
                    "regression.minimum_cycles": 10,
                    "regression.r0": 1.5,
                    "regression.tolerance": 0.005,
                    "regression.u0": 2.8,
                    "regression.verbosity": 0,
                    "save_fcs": true,
                    "save_fcs_type": "h5",
                    "window.clock_zero_type": "ignore",
                    "window.num_samples": 128,
                    "window.overlap": 32,
                    "window.type": "hamming"
        "id": "CAS04_sr1",
        "": "CAS04",
        "stations.local.mth5_path": "8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5",
        "stations.local.remote": false,
        "stations.local.runs": [
                "run": {
                    "id": "a",
                    "input_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hx",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hy",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "output_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ex",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ey",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hz",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "time_periods": [
                            "time_period": {
                                "end": "2020-06-02T22:07:46+00:00",
                                "start": "2020-06-02T19:00:00+00:00"
                "run": {
                    "id": "b",
                    "input_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hx",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hy",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "output_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ex",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ey",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hz",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "time_periods": [
                            "time_period": {
                                "end": "2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00",
                                "start": "2020-06-02T22:24:55+00:00"
                "run": {
                    "id": "c",
                    "input_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hx",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hy",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "output_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ex",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ey",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hz",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "time_periods": [
                            "time_period": {
                                "end": "2020-07-01T17:32:59+00:00",
                                "start": "2020-06-12T18:32:17+00:00"
                "run": {
                    "id": "d",
                    "input_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hx",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hy",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "output_channels": [
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ex",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "ey",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                            "channel": {
                                "id": "hz",
                                "scale_factor": 1.0
                    "sample_rate": 1.0,
                    "time_periods": [
                            "time_period": {
                                "end": "2020-07-13T19:00:00+00:00",
                                "start": "2020-07-01T19:36:55+00:00"
        "stations.remote": []
tf_file_base = f"{station_id}_SS"
show_plot = True
z_file_path = pathlib.Path(f"{tf_file_base}.zrr")
tf_cls = process_mth5(config,
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:277 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | show_processing_summary | Processing Summary Dataframe:
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:278 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | show_processing_summary |
     duration  has_data  n_samples run station       survey       run_hdf5_reference   station_hdf5_reference     fc  remote  stft mth5_obj dec_level  dec_factor  sample_rate  window_duration  num_samples_window  num_samples  num_stft_windows
0     11266.0      True      11267   a   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128      11266.0             117.0
1     11266.0      True      11267   a   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128       2816.0              29.0
2     11266.0      True      11267   a   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128        704.0               7.0
3     11266.0      True      11267   a   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128        176.0               1.0
4    847648.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     847648.0            8829.0
5    847648.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     211912.0            2207.0
6    847648.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      52978.0             551.0
7    847648.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      13244.0             137.0
8   1638042.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128    1638042.0           17062.0
9   1638042.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     409510.0            4265.0
10  1638042.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128     102377.0            1066.0
11  1638042.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      25594.0             266.0
12  1034585.0      True    1034586   d   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128    1034585.0           10776.0
13  1034585.0      True    1034586   d   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     258646.0            2693.0
14  1034585.0      True    1034586   d   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      64661.0             673.0
15  1034585.0      True    1034586   d   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      16165.0             168.0
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:411 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | validate_processing | No RR station specified, switching RME_RR to RME
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:411 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | validate_processing | No RR station specified, switching RME_RR to RME
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:411 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | validate_processing | No RR station specified, switching RME_RR to RME
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:411 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | validate_processing | No RR station specified, switching RME_RR to RME
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:654 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Total memory: 62.74 GB
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:658 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Total Bytes of Raw Data: 0.026 GB
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:661 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Raw Data will use: 0.042 % of memory
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:517 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | process_mth5_legacy | Processing config indicates 4 decimation levels
24:09:03T20:09:42 | INFO | line:445 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | valid_decimations | After validation there are 4 valid decimation levels
24:09:03T20:09:48 | INFO | line:889 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | initialize_dataframe_for_processing | Dataset dataframe initialized successfully
24:09:03T20:09:48 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 0 Successfully
24:09:03T20:09:48 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:09:50 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:09:51 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:09:53 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:09:53 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 25.728968s  (0.038867Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:53 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 19.929573s  (0.050177Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:54 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 15.164131s  (0.065945Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:54 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 11.746086s  (0.085135Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:55 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 9.195791s  (0.108745Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:55 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 7.362526s  (0.135823Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:56 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 5.856115s  (0.170762Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:58 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 4.682492s  (0.213562Hz)
24:09:03T20:09:59 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 1
24:09:03T20:10:00 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 1 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:00 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:01 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:02 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:03 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:03 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 102.915872s  (0.009717Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:03 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 85.631182s  (0.011678Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:04 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 68.881694s  (0.014518Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:04 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 54.195827s  (0.018452Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:04 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 43.003958s  (0.023254Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:04 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 33.310722s  (0.030020Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:05 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 2
24:09:03T20:10:05 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 2 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:05 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:06 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:06 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:07 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:07 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 411.663489s  (0.002429Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:07 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 342.524727s  (0.002919Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:07 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 275.526776s  (0.003629Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:07 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 216.783308s  (0.004613Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:08 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 172.015831s  (0.005813Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:08 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 133.242890s  (0.007505Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:08 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 3
24:09:03T20:10:08 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 3 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:09 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:09 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:10 | INFO | line:364 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Saving FC level
24:09:03T20:10:10 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 1514.701336s  (0.000660Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:10 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 1042.488956s  (0.000959Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:10 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 723.371271s  (0.001382Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:10 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 532.971560s  (0.001876Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:10 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 412.837995s  (0.002422Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:11 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
file_info = os.stat(mth5_path)
print(f"file_info: \n {file_info}")

file_size_after_fc_addition = file_info.st_size
print(f"file_size_before_fc_addition {file_size_before_fc_addition}")
print(f"file_size_after_fc_addition {file_size_after_fc_addition}")
 os.stat_result(st_mode=33204, st_ino=89922093, st_dev=66306, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1001, st_gid=1001, st_size=358591655, st_atime=1725419411, st_mtime=1725419411, st_ctime=1725419411)
file_size_before_fc_addition 107289751
file_size_after_fc_addition 358591655

Now that the FCs are saved we can access them:|

  • These plats are intended to be put in spectrogram class

# Choose what specific FCs we want:
# survey_id = "CONUS SoCal"  # declared directly from dataframe to avoid spurious name changes in archived metadata
station_id = "CAS04"
run_id = "b"
decimation_level_id = "0"
m = initialize_mth5(mth5_path)
survey_group = m.get_survey(survey_id)
station_obj = survey_group.stations_group.get_station(station_id)
fc_group = station_obj.fourier_coefficients_group.get_fc_group(run_id)
fc_decimation_level = fc_group.get_decimation_level(decimation_level_id)
stft_obj = fc_decimation_level.to_xarray()
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 45MB
Dimensions:    (time: 8829, frequency: 64)
  * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 71kB 2020-06-02T22:24:55 ... 2020-06-12T...
  * frequency  (frequency) float64 512B 0.0 0.007812 0.01562 ... 0.4844 0.4922
Data variables:
    ex         (time, frequency) complex128 9MB (nan+nanj) ... (6.43984651804...
    ey         (time, frequency) complex128 9MB (nan+nanj) ... (1.14205368827...
    hx         (time, frequency) complex128 9MB 0j ... (-7.255455721291723e-1...
    hy         (time, frequency) complex128 9MB 0j ... (-2.6411456422455584e-...
    hz         (time, frequency) complex128 9MB 0j ... (2.8711476749705306e-1...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
ex = stft_obj.ex
ex = ex.dropna(dim="frequency")
<xarray.DataArray 'ex' (time: 8829, frequency: 63)> Size: 9MB
array([[-2.78081633e-10-1.02555611e-09j,  2.31781444e-10+1.03764950e-09j,
        -1.41550822e-10-5.30183803e-10j, ...,
        -2.33846288e-13+3.78092145e-13j, -2.47517622e-13+2.97032949e-13j,
       [-8.61482145e-10+8.01328799e-10j,  7.58095286e-10-6.14537638e-10j,
        -4.36876512e-10+4.48085068e-10j, ...,
        -1.02114148e-13+1.87080731e-13j, -1.65973397e-13+1.33987254e-13j,
       [-6.04310100e-10+2.78710599e-10j,  2.87240419e-10-4.11793024e-10j,
         1.95180812e-10+5.92839940e-10j, ...,
        -7.23711253e-13+1.98678662e-13j, -2.22044210e-14-3.39406903e-14j,
       [-4.13217703e-11+1.09955015e-10j, -6.43407588e-11+3.08625349e-10j,
         7.63238077e-11-1.46336863e-10j, ...,
         1.15193186e-14-1.81437181e-13j, -1.21823774e-13+1.25575543e-13j,
       [-4.32857850e-10-3.61859337e-10j,  4.70934913e-10-1.20136627e-10j,
        -1.31343395e-11+1.25999723e-10j, ...,
        -3.00292308e-13-2.17749579e-13j,  1.64397728e-13-4.27592123e-14j,
       [ 8.24399932e-11-4.68078003e-10j, -1.81195763e-10-8.34900678e-11j,
         1.11277791e-10-5.20690939e-11j, ...,
         2.01639036e-13+5.84642545e-14j, -1.51389614e-13+4.86360942e-14j,
  * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 71kB 2020-06-02T22:24:55 ... 2020-06-12T...
  * frequency  (frequency) float64 504B 0.007812 0.01562 ... 0.4844 0.4922
    component:                     ex
    frequency_max:                 0.4921875
    frequency_min:                 0.0
    hdf5_reference:                <HDF5 object reference>
    mth5_type:                     FCChannel
    sample_rate_decimation_level:  1.0
    sample_rate_window_step:       96.0
    time_period.end:               2020-06-12T17:49:43+00:00
    time_period.start:             2020-06-02T22:24:55+00:00
    units:                         counts
ex = np.abs(ex)
array(['2020-06-02T22:24:55.000000000', '2020-06-02T22:26:31.000000000',
       '2020-06-02T22:28:07.000000000', ...,
       '2020-06-12T17:46:31.000000000', '2020-06-12T17:48:07.000000000',
       '2020-06-12T17:49:43.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')

Plotting spectrograms with dates:

The cell below was adapted from:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib.dates as mdates

import datetime as dt

x_lims = [[0],[-1]]

# You can then convert these datetime.datetime objects to the correct
# format for matplotlib to work with.
x_lims = mdates.date2num(x_lims)

# Set y-limits.
y_lims = [[0],[-1]]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Using ax.imshow we set two keyword arguments. The first is extent.
# We give extent the values from x_lims and y_lims above.
# We also set the aspect to "auto" which should set the plot up nicely.
ax.imshow(np.log10(ex.T), extent = [x_lims[0], x_lims[1],  y_lims[0], y_lims[1]],
          aspect='auto', origin='lower' )

# # We tell Matplotlib that the x-axis is filled with datetime data,
# # this converts it from a float (which is the output of date2num)
# # into a nice datetime string.

# # We can use a DateFormatter to choose how this datetime string will look.
# # I have chosen HH:MM:SS though you could add DD/MM/YY if you had data
# # over different days.
date_format = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')# %H:%M:%S')


# # This simply sets the x-axis data to diagonal so it fits better.
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
ax.set_title(f"log_{10} Amplitude Spectrogram for {station_id}, run {run_id}")

Absolute Minimal Example

  • This is the code from Figure 3 in the JOSS manuscript intended to show that the processing can be run in 8 lines including saving results to edi file format.

from aurora.config.config_creator import ConfigCreator
from aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 import process_mth5
from mtpy.processing import KernelDataset, RunSummary
run_summary = RunSummary()
kernel_dataset = KernelDataset()
kernel_dataset.from_run_summary(run_summary, "CAS04", "NVR08")
cc = ConfigCreator()
config = cc.create_from_kernel_dataset(kernel_dataset)
tf = process_mth5(config, kernel_dataset)
tf.write(fn="CAS04_rrNVR08.edi", file_type="edi")
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column fc, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column remote, adding and setting dtype to <class 'bool'>.
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column run_dataarray, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column stft, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:250 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | _add_columns | KernelDataset DataFrame needs column mth5_obj, adding and setting dtype to <class 'object'>.
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:108 |aurora.config.config_creator | determine_band_specification_style | Bands not defined; setting to EMTF BANDS_DEFAULT_FILE
24:09:03T20:10:12 | ERROR | line:50 |aurora.time_series.window_helpers | available_number_of_windows_in_array | Window is longer than the time series -- no complete windows can be returned
24:09:03T20:10:12 | ERROR | line:50 |aurora.time_series.window_helpers | available_number_of_windows_in_array | Window is longer than the time series -- no complete windows can be returned
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:277 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | show_processing_summary | Processing Summary Dataframe:
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:278 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | show_processing_summary |
    duration  has_data  n_samples run station       survey       run_hdf5_reference   station_hdf5_reference     fc  remote  stft mth5_obj dec_level  dec_factor  sample_rate  window_duration  num_samples_window  num_samples  num_stft_windows
0     2860.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128       2860.0              29.0
1     2860.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128        715.0               7.0
2     2860.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128        178.0               1.0
3     2860.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128         44.0               0.0
4   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     769090.0            8011.0
5   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     192272.0            2002.0
6   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      48068.0             500.0
7   769090.0      True     847649   b   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      12017.0             124.0
8   167025.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     167025.0            1739.0
9   167025.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128      41756.0             434.0
10  167025.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      10439.0             108.0
11  167025.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128       2609.0              26.0
12  856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     856502.0            8921.0
13  856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     214125.0            2230.0
14  856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      53531.0             557.0
15  856502.0      True    1638043   c   CAS04  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False   False  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      13382.0             139.0
16    2860.0      True       2861   a   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128       2860.0              29.0
17    2860.0      True       2861   a   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128        715.0               7.0
18    2860.0      True       2861   a   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128        178.0               1.0
19    2860.0      True       2861   a   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128         44.0               0.0
20  769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     769090.0            8011.0
21  769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     192272.0            2002.0
22  769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      48068.0             500.0
23  769090.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      12017.0             124.0
24  167025.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     167025.0            1739.0
25  167025.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128      41756.0             434.0
26  167025.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      10439.0             108.0
27  167025.0      True     938510   b   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128       2609.0              26.0
28  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         0         1.0     1.000000            128.0                 128     856502.0            8921.0
29  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         1         4.0     0.250000            512.0                 128     214125.0            2230.0
30  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         2         4.0     0.062500           2048.0                 128      53531.0             557.0
31  856502.0      True     856503   c   NVR08  CONUS South  <HDF5 object reference>  <HDF5 object reference>  False    True  None     None         3         4.0     0.015625           8192.0                 128      13382.0             139.0
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:654 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Total memory: 62.74 GB
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:658 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Total Bytes of Raw Data: 0.027 GB
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:661 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | memory_check | Raw Data will use: 0.043 % of memory
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:517 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | process_mth5_legacy | Processing config indicates 4 decimation levels
24:09:03T20:10:12 | INFO | line:445 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | valid_decimations | After validation there are 4 valid decimation levels
24:09:03T20:10:13 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-03T19:10:11+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-02T22:24:55+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-03T19:10:11+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:13 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-06-03T19:57:51+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-03T19:57:51+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:14 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-02T22:24:55+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:16 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-06-14T16:56:02+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-12T17:52:23+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:16 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-06-14T16:56:02+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-07-01T17:32:59+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-14T16:56:02+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:17 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-12T18:32:17+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-03T20:14:13+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-12T18:32:17+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:18 | WARNING | line:645 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | start time of dataset 2020-06-14T18:00:44+00:00 does not match metadata start 2020-06-12T18:32:17+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-14T18:00:44+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:18 | WARNING | line:658 |mth5.timeseries.run_ts | validate_metadata | end time of dataset 2020-06-24T15:55:46+00:00 does not match metadata end 2020-07-01T17:32:59+00:00 updating metatdata value to 2020-06-24T15:55:46+00:00
24:09:03T20:10:20 | INFO | line:889 |mtpy.processing.kernel_dataset | initialize_dataframe_for_processing | Dataset dataframe initialized successfully
24:09:03T20:10:20 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 0 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:20 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:20 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:21 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:23 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:23 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:24 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:25 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:26 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:26 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 25.728968s  (0.038867Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:26 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 19.929573s  (0.050177Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:27 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 15.164131s  (0.065945Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:27 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 11.746086s  (0.085135Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:28 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 9.195791s  (0.108745Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:28 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 7.362526s  (0.135823Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:29 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 5.856115s  (0.170762Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:29 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 4.682492s  (0.213562Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:30 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 1
24:09:03T20:10:31 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 1 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:31 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:31 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:32 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:32 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:33 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:33 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:34 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:34 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:34 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 102.915872s  (0.009717Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:34 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 85.631182s  (0.011678Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:35 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 68.881694s  (0.014518Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:35 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 54.195827s  (0.018452Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:35 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 43.003958s  (0.023254Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:35 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 33.310722s  (0.030020Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:35 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 2
24:09:03T20:10:36 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 2 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:36 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:36 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:37 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:37 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:37 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 411.663489s  (0.002429Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 342.524727s  (0.002919Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 275.526776s  (0.003629Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 216.783308s  (0.004613Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 172.015831s  (0.005813Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 133.242890s  (0.007505Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:38 | INFO | line:124 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | DECIMATION LEVEL 3
24:09:03T20:10:39 | INFO | line:143 |aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_kernel | update_dataset_df | Dataset Dataframe Updated for decimation level 3 Successfully
24:09:03T20:10:39 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:39 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:39 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:40 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:40 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:40 | INFO | line:354 |aurora.pipelines.process_mth5 | save_fourier_coefficients | Skip saving FCs. dec_level_config.save_fc =  False
24:09:03T20:10:40 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 1514.701336s  (0.000660Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:40 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 1042.488956s  (0.000959Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:40 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 723.371271s  (0.001382Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:41 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 532.971560s  (0.001876Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:41 | INFO | line:35 |aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers | get_band_for_tf_estimate | Processing band 412.837995s  (0.002422Hz)
24:09:03T20:10:41 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
24:09:03T20:10:41 | INFO | line:771 |mth5.mth5 | close_mth5 | Flushing and closing 8P_CAS04_NVR08.h5
Station: CAS04
        Survey:        CONUS South
        Project:       USMTArray
        Acquired by:   None
        Acquired date: 2020-06-02
        Latitude:      37.633
        Longitude:     -121.468
        Elevation:     335.262
        Impedance:     True
        Tipper:        True
        Number of periods: 25
                Period Range:   4.68249E+00 -- 1.51470E+03 s
                Frequency Range 6.60196E-04 -- 2.13561E-01 s