Source code for aurora.pipelines.transfer_function_helpers

Note #1: repeatedly applying edf_weights seems to have no effect at all.
tested 20240118 and found that test_compare in synthetic passed whether this was commented
or not.  TODO confirm this is a one-and-done add doc about why this is so.
import numpy as np

from aurora.time_series.frequency_band_helpers import get_band_for_tf_estimate
from aurora.time_series.xarray_helpers import handle_nan
from aurora.transfer_function.regression.base import RegressionEstimator
from aurora.transfer_function.regression.iter_control import IterControl
from aurora.transfer_function.regression.TRME import TRME
from aurora.transfer_function.regression.TRME_RR import TRME_RR

# from aurora.transfer_function.weights.coherence_weights import compute_multiple_coherence_weights
from aurora.transfer_function.weights.edf_weights import (
from loguru import logger

ESTIMATOR_LIBRARY = {"OLS": RegressionEstimator, "RME": TRME, "RME_RR": TRME_RR}

[docs]def get_estimator_class(estimation_engine): """ Parameters ---------- estimation_engine: str One of the keys in the ESTIMATOR_LIBRARY, designates the method that will be used to estimate the transfer function Returns ------- estimator_class: aurora.transfer_function.regression.base.RegressionEstimator The class that will do the TF estimation """ try: estimator_class = ESTIMATOR_LIBRARY[estimation_engine] except KeyError: logger.error(f"processing_scheme {estimation_engine} not supported") logger.error( f"processing_scheme must be one of {list(ESTIMATOR_LIBRARY.keys())}" ) raise Exception return estimator_class
[docs]def set_up_iter_control(config): """ TODO: Review: maybe better to just make this the __init__ method of the IterControl object, iter_control = IterControl(config) Parameters ---------- config: mt_metadata.transfer_functions.processing.aurora.decimation_level.DecimationLevel Returns ------- iter_control: aurora.transfer_function.regression.iter_control.IterControl Object with parameters about iteration control in regression """ if config.estimator.engine in ["RME", "RME_RR"]: iter_control = IterControl( max_number_of_iterations=config.regression.max_iterations, max_number_of_redescending_iterations=config.regression.max_redescending_iterations, ) elif config.estimator.engine in [ "OLS", ]: iter_control = None return iter_control
[docs]def select_channel(xrda, channel_label): """ Extra helper function to make process_transfer_functions more readable without black forcing multiline Parameters ---------- xrda channel_label Returns ------- """ ch = xrda.sel( channel=[ channel_label, ] ) return ch
[docs]def drop_nans(X, Y, RR): """ Just a helper intended to enhance readability TODO: document the implications of dropna on index of xarray for other weights """ X = X.dropna(dim="observation") Y = Y.dropna(dim="observation") if RR is not None: RR = RR.dropna(dim="observation") return X, Y, RR
[docs]def stack_fcs(X, Y, RR): """ Reshape 2D arrays of frequency and time to 1D Context: When the data for a frequency band are extracted from the Spectrogram, each channel is a 2D array, one axis is time (the time of the window that was FFT-ed) and the other axis is frequency. However if we make no distinction between the harmonics (bins) within a band in regression, then all the FCs for each channel can be put into a 1D array. This method performs that reshaping (ravelling) operation. **It is not important how we unravel the FCs but it is important that we use the same scheme for X and Y. TODO: Make this take a list and return a list rather than X,Y,RR TODO: Decorate this with @dataset_or_dataarray if isinstance(X, xr.Dataset): tmp = X.to_array("channel") tmp = tmp.stack() or similar """ X = X.stack(observation=("frequency", "time")) Y = Y.stack(observation=("frequency", "time")) if RR is not None: RR = RR.stack(observation=("frequency", "time")) return X, Y, RR
[docs]def apply_weights(X, Y, RR, W, segment=False, dropna=False): W[W == 0] = np.nan if segment: W = np.atleast_2d(W).T X *= W Y *= W if RR is not None: RR *= W if dropna: X, Y, RR = drop_nans(X, Y, RR) return X, Y, RR
[docs]def process_transfer_functions( dec_level_config, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj, transfer_function_obj, # segment_weights=["multiple_coherence",],#["simple_coherence",],#["multiple_coherence",],#jj84_coherence_weights",], segment_weights=[], channel_weights=None, ): """ This method based on TTFestBand.m Parameters ---------- dec_level_config local_stft_obj remote_stft_obj transfer_function_obj: aurora.transfer_function.TTFZ.TTFZ The transfer function container ready to receive values in this method. segment_weights : numpy array or list of strings 1D array which should be of the same length as the time axis of the STFT objects If these weights are zero anywhere, we drop all that segment across all channels If it is a list of strings, each string corresponds to a weighting algorithm to be applied. ["jackknife_jj84", "multiple_coherence", "simple_coherence"] channel_weights : numpy array or None Note #1: Although it is advantageous to executing the regression channel-by-channel vs. all-at-once, we need to keep the all-at-once to get residual covariances (see issue #87) Note #2: Consider placing the segment weight logic in its own module with the various functions in a dictionary. Possibly can combines (product) all segment weights, like the following pseudocode: W = zeros for wt_style in segment_weights: fcn = wt_fucntions[style] w = fcn(X, Y, RR, ) W *= w return W TODO: Consider push the nan-handling into the band extraction as a kwarg. Returns ------- """ estimator_class = get_estimator_class(dec_level_config.estimator.engine) iter_control = set_up_iter_control(dec_level_config) for band in transfer_function_obj.frequency_bands.bands(): X, Y, RR = get_band_for_tf_estimate( band, dec_level_config, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj ) # Apply segment weights first -- see Note #2 if "jackknife_jj84" in segment_weights: from aurora.transfer_function.weights.coherence_weights import ( coherence_weights_jj84, ) Wjj84 = coherence_weights_jj84(band, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj) apply_weights(X, Y, RR, Wjj84, segment=True, dropna=False) if "simple_coherence" in segment_weights: from aurora.transfer_function.weights.coherence_weights import ( simple_coherence_weights, ) W = simple_coherence_weights(band, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj) apply_weights(X, Y, RR, W, segment=True, dropna=False) if "multiple_coherence" in segment_weights: from aurora.transfer_function.weights.coherence_weights import ( multiple_coherence_weights, ) W = multiple_coherence_weights(band, local_stft_obj, remote_stft_obj) apply_weights(X, Y, RR, W, segment=True, dropna=False) # if there are channel weights apply them here # Reshape to 2d X, Y, RR = stack_fcs(X, Y, RR) # Should only be needed if weights were applied X, Y, RR = drop_nans(X, Y, RR) W = effective_degrees_of_freedom_weights(X, RR, edf_obj=None) X, Y, RR = apply_weights(X, Y, RR, W, segment=False, dropna=True) if dec_level_config.estimator.estimate_per_channel: for ch in dec_level_config.output_channels: Y_ch = Y[ch].to_dataset() # keep as a dataset, maybe not needed X_, Y_, RR_ = handle_nan(X, Y_ch, RR, drop_dim="observation") # see note #1 # if RR is not None: # W = effective_degrees_of_freedom_weights(X_, RR_, edf_obj=None) # X_, Y_, RR_ = apply_weights(X_, Y_, RR_, W, segment=False) regression_estimator = estimator_class( X=X_, Y=Y_, Z=RR_, iter_control=iter_control ) regression_estimator.estimate() transfer_function_obj.set_tf(regression_estimator, band.center_period) else: X, Y, RR = handle_nan(X, Y, RR, drop_dim="observation") regression_estimator = estimator_class( X=X, Y=Y, Z=RR, iter_control=iter_control ) regression_estimator.estimate() transfer_function_obj.set_tf(regression_estimator, band.center_period) return transfer_function_obj